Chapter 14

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Jane's POV

Golden rays of sunlight pouring in from a crack in the curtains woke me up early the next morning. I was lying down in an extremely comfortable bed with white silk sheets. What was it with rich people and silk? I turned onto my side and noticed a food cart next to my bed. I sat up and examined the contents of the cart hungrily. French toast, eggs, sausage, fresh orange juice and a glass of ice cold water stood on the first shelf. Pancakes with cream, a bowl of mixed fruit and chocolate sauce stood on the second.

I am not proud to admit this, but I finished both shelves. I missed dinner last night while I was exploring the woods behind Harry's parents' house. Only when the cart was cleared did I notice the piece of cream colored paper. My name was written in a delicate swirl on the front. I picked it up and opened the paper to see more of this delicate handwriting inside.

My dearest Jane,

I hope you enjoyed breakfast. I'll be out for the day, but don't be shy. Make yourself at home until I return. I look forward to seeing you.

Ps. I didn't change your clothes.

Yours truly, Harry.

My heart skipped a little beat when I read the end of the note. Yours truly? What does that even mean? I looked down at the silky white nightgown and got up. I should probably yield his request to make myself at home. I went downstairs to search for someone who could help me find some clothes. I found an old lady in the kitchen and she suggested that I go for a swim in the pool. I could feel the heat of the day pressing down on me, so I agreed and followed her back upstairs. She searched in a drawer for a few minutes before making a sound of satisfaction and pulling out a bright red bikini. I loved it already.

I found out her name was Grace and asked her if I could borrow a towel. She smiled knowingly and disappeared out of the room to go get a towel for me. I took advantage of my time alone and quickly got dressed. I went downstairs and found her in the kitchen near a door leading outside. She handed me the towel and motioned in the direction of the pool. "Thank you." I said with an excited smile while walking past her to the pool. "You're welcome, dear." She smiled back and continued to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

The pool was large and rectangular with the bluest water I have ever seen. I dipped my toe into the water and sighed at the relief the cold water brought to my scalding feet. I spread the towel over the sunbed for later and dived into the refreshing water. I swam a few laps before deciding to work on my tan. Before long, a shadow fell over me and I opened my eyes lazily to see Grace standing next to me with a bottle of sunscreen and a smoothie that made my mouth water. I smiled at her and before I could reach up a voice stopped me.

"Hi." Harry said simply and I felt the butterflies going wild at just his voice. I smiled over at him and it suddenly felt a few degrees warmer. He was in a tight-fitted brown chino with a blue button-down shirt. He wore black sandals that seemed to compliment his look. His hair was messy as if he had run his hands through it a couple of times. The heat was starting to get to me and I was only wearing a bikini, I didn't even want to know what he felt like.

"Hey, when did you get back?" I asked, realizing that I hadn't answered him yet. He smiled slightly and ran his hand through his hair. I got up and walked over to him. He seemed to get more nervous the closer I got. "Just now." He said casually and I doubted if he was affected by me at all. "Oh, alright. Would you like to join me?" I asked with uncertainty lining the confidence I was faking. I added a smile and pointed to the water with a little excitement shining through. "Sure, let me get changed." He said and turned around to disappear into the house. I let out a breath and went back to sunbathing while I waited.

I must have drifted off to sleep, because the next moment I was pulled from my peaceful slumber by a roaring battle cry followed by an icy splash of water. I let out a scream and my mouth wouldn't close until the shock subsided. He was smiling at me when he resurfaced and I couldn't stay mad at him. I could however claim my revenge. He must have realized this because his eyes widened as he turned to swim away. He wasn't going to get away with it that easily. I ran and jumped on him. He laughed as he resurfaced and I couldn't help but laugh with him. He was being what I pictured my perfect man to be. I might be in trouble here.

After being satisfied with the level of drowning I dealt, I turned to Harry with a serious expression. "So, have you talked to Michael since last night?" I asked a little hesitantly. Harry seemed to sober up from his laughing fit and looked at me with a light smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, I went to see him. That's where I disappeared to this morning." He said and dipped his head back to wet his hair. He ran his fingers through it before locking his gaze with mine once more. "What did he say? Did he tell you why he was so mad at me last night? Do I even still have my job?" I had a million questions and I couldn't get them all out fast enough. He sighed and put his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down. He was just jealous. He came to his senses though and yes, you still have your job. He expects you to be there on Monday." Harry said with his eyes locked on mine.

My heart fluttered a little at our proximity and at the fact that I still had my job. His gaze was intense and I felt the urge to close the gap between us. I reminded myself that I really liked Harry and that I shouldn't be rushing things, certainly not when I didn't even know if he felt the same. His train of thought probably went the other way, because before I knew it he moved a little closer to me. My breath caught and my mouth suddenly felt dry. I decided that I would just go with the flow, but apparently, the flow was in a rapid river. I grabbed his neck gently and pulled his mouth down to meet mine. It was the sweetest kiss I have ever had. It was the exact opposite of the one I had with Michael in his pool. Did I have a thing for kissing guys in pools? I refocused on the kiss and the butterflies felt like fireworks.

If I would die now, I would die a happy woman. He had his muscular arms wrapped around me and I have never felt safer than right at that moment. This moment felt so perfect. We shared a couple of stolen kisses before deciding to catch a tan. The sun was high in the sky and beating down at us relentlessly. Grace soon brought out a second set of smoothies and I nearly downed my entire cup. Harry looked at me with big eyes filled with amusement. "You know those have alcohol in them, right?" he asked before taking a tentative sip from his cup. I looked at my cup in shock before turning my gaze back to him. "Are you serious?" I asked while waiting for the alcohol to start working. "Yep, I am." He said and chuckled at how terrified my face looked.

I didn't really feel drunk, so I relaxed and continued to sip on the smoothies that Grace brought us when our cups were empty. I only felt the consequences of my actions when we had to get up for lunch. The world spun wildly and the only thing that kept me from falling on my face was Harry's arm that shot out to steady me. I slurred a thank you in his direction before trying to walk. I am sad to say that I tripped over nothing and Harry caught me by my waist. He turned me around and picked me up. I rested my head against his shoulder as his steady steps lulled me to sleep. "Sleep tight, Princess." These were the last words I remembered before passing out in his arms.

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