Chapter 16

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"Jane!" Emma squealed excitedly. I furrowed my brows but decided to humor her. "Emma!" I screamed back, but it sounded more like a question. She let out a quick giggle before patting the spot next to her eagerly. "Come sit down, we have so much to talk about." She said with an ever-present smile on her face. I awkwardly nodded and moved to sit next to her. She immediately grabbed my hand and shared a knowing look with Michael. "I'm not mad at you, any of you." She said looking from me to Michael. "I've been thinking about what happened between you two and I understand what happened." She said while giving my hand a little squeeze. "You do?" I asked completely flabbergasted.

"Of course I do. Michael was just having cold feet about the upcoming wedding. Speaking of, that is the other thing I need to talk to you about." She said and I didn't even think it possible, but her smile grew wider. I think I was in shock because I sat frozen and just listened to her drone on about wedding preparations. I zoned into the conversation when she was in the middle of telling me about her florist. I smiled excitedly and looked to see Michael smiling at her with adoration. This eased my jumbled-up emotions about whether or not she had forgiven us. They seemed to be completely in love and I was grateful.

"It sounds like your wedding will be the event of the year." I finally said something when she went silent and looked at me with questioning eyes. I guess that was the answer she was waiting for because her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly at me. "It will be unless you and Harry also get married this year." She said and wiggled her brows suggestively while punching my shoulder softly. I nearly choked on my spit for the second time today. At this rate, I was going to die by choking on my own spit. I turned my shocked gaze to Michael and noticed that his smile had dipped. He pulled the corners of his lips up just as fast as they fell. He turned his attention to his computer and his face turned serious once he started answering emails.

"I doubt that Harry and I would get married this year." I said with a smile dancing on my face. "That's a shame, but if you happen to get married this year we should definitely not get married on the same day. I would totally kill you if that happened." She said as a joke, but I could hear a note of seriousness in her voice. We shared a short laugh that felt a little awkward to me. "Everything sounds wonderful and I would love to talk about your wedding all day, but I have work to do." I said and glanced at Michael. Emma pouted at this and I saw Michael frowning at his fiancée's drop in mood.

"Jane, you will be spending the mornings leading up to the wedding with Emma, helping with the preparations. The afternoons will be reserved for your job. You will be assisting me." He said and Emma nearly fell off the sofa as she screamed out her excitement. She jumped up and nearly tackled Michael out of his chair with a hug. She continued to kiss him passionately and I had to avert my eyes. Things were getting a little heated and I cleared my throat to remind them that they had company. "Oops, sorry Jane." Emma said with a light blush on her cheeks, highlighting her embarrassment. Michael seemed satisfied and continued with his emails.

"Shall we get started?" I asked and stood while Emma took a seat on the sofa again. "We're waiting for my wedding planner." She said and studied her nails. "Alright, at what time should they be here." I asked, ready to get this day started. "" She said as a knock sounded at the door. She got up and skipped to the door, pulling it open to reveal someone I thought I'd never see again. "Will?" I asked shocked to see him in the role of a wedding planner. "Jane! It's so nice to see you again. Congratulations on getting the job." He beamed as he walked over and squeezed me in a bear hug. "So you're a wedding planner?" I let slip out of my mouth. He smiled and nodded. "Being in the escape rooms showed me my true calling. I like to have things organized, so now I organize things for couples." He said and took his bag off his shoulder.

"Oh, we're not planning and scheming in here." Emma said and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the elevator. The ride down to the garage was quiet, except for the elevator music playing softly in the background. Emma dragged us to the car and nearly shoved us into our seats. "I've closed down one of Michael's diners, so it would be just us and the staff." She said excitedly while Trevor started the car and started driving in the direction of the diner. The radio played softly while we drove and I found myself staring out the window at all the people. Emma and Will were arguing over the date of the wedding and I was most certainly not needed in that conversation.

We finally pulled to a stop in front of a modern rustic-themed diner. Trevor rushed to open the door and we all entered the diner. We chose a booth next to a large window and Will started piling papers and magazines on the table. "So, when is the big day?" I asked with interest. "In two months time." Emma smiled and Will looked at her scathingly. I let out a sound of excitement and Emma beamed. "Let's get started then. We don't have any time to waste." I said and grabbed a magazine. "You can say that again." Will replied miserably. Emma shot him a look and turned her eyes on a wedding dress magazine. I could feel the tension pick up as Will rolled his eyes.

We planned the entire morning away and soon it was time for me to head back to the office. I hugged Emma goodbye and waved at Will. They had a few fights already and it was only day one. Trevor opened the door for me and I couldn't get in fast enough. The only thing keeping me going right now was the drinks I would be having with Harry after work. The car pulled away and we drove back to the office. Emma and Will decided to continue planning the wedding without me and I can't say that I was sad about it. The scenery rushed by the windows and soon I was looking at the looming form of the office. I walked casually to the elevator and luckily it was on my floor so I just got in and waited for it to stop on Michael's floor.

The day flew by and to be honest I was surprised that Michael was in such a good mood. He was nice and professional towards me, which I was grateful for. Soon I was walking out the door and to the familiar black SUV. Harry was leaning on the door while I approached. The butterflies were going crazy when our eyes met. "Would you like to go to a cocktail party?" was the first thing he said. "Absolutely." I said and he held the door open for me. I was excited to get a little break from this stressful day.

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