Battle 29: Showdown at Dark City

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Kaz: Get ready! Today, the Kaz gym's gonna crush you!

Kaz: Get ready! Today, the Kaz gym's gonna crush you!

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Yas: Guess again! The Yas gym will wipe you out!

Kaz: Go, Electabuzz! Thunderbolt, now! Electabuzz shocks multiple Yas trainers and even hits a few of the buildings.

Kaz: Go, Electabuzz! Thunderbolt, now! Electabuzz shocks multiple Yas trainers and even hits a few of the buildings

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Niko: Huh. Niko pulls out his Pokédex.

Pokédex: Electabuzz, the Electric Pokémon. Normally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities.

Yas: We can't let them win! Attack, Scyther! Scyther cuts down some of buildings causing them to fall on the Kaz trainers. The continued destruction caused some of residents to run in fear.

Pokédex: Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon

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Pokédex: Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. It leaps out of tall grass and slices prey with its scythes. The movement is that of a ninja.

Kota: Is it always this bad? The kids nod.

Duplica: This isn't a Pokémon battle, it's just a plain old fight.

Niko: I can't believe this. Those guys don't know the first thing about being trainers. Suddenly, they heard a crashing sound coming from downstairs.

Attacker #3: Hey, cook! Give me the lunch special for thirty people.

Attacker #1: We've got to be at Kaz gym in less than an hour.

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