Season 2 Chapter 9: The Girl Boss, The Gaslight and The Gatekeep

Start from the beginning

Jane then begins to cry as she keeps hitting Hopper as her blows start to become softer as Hopper holds her as she sobs.

Hopper: You're okay, kid. You're okay. I'm sorry, kid.

Jane: I missed him so much.

Hopper: I know, kid. I know.

Back outside, the party now go to Zero who hugs each of them.

Lucas: We missed you.

Zero: I missed you, too.

Dustin: We talked about you pretty much every day.

Mike: More like El did.

Zero: I bet. Hmm?

Zero then starts studying Dustin as they look at each other.

Dustin: What?

Zero: You got teeth.

Dustin: Oh. You mean these pearls?

Dustin does the purr making the others cringe.

Zero: Haha! Don't ever do that again.

Dustin nods as Terry and Becky walked over to Zero slightly having to look down a little to stare at the boy who is 5'7.

Terry: Hey sweetie.

Terry hugs Zero who hugs back, Becky chuckles knowing her suspicion was true that Hopper was holding Zero.

Becky: We put all that work to set up that room for you only to have Hopper steal you away.

Zero: Oh, you guys finished the room?

Terry: Yep. If you are able to sleep over, you can sleep in there.

Zero: Thanks, I'll have to ask Hops.

Terry chuckles as Zero hugs Becky who returns the hug. They separate and Nancy walks over and hugs him as well.

Nancy: We all missed you here.

Steve: I never got a chance to know you apart from when we teamed up on the Demogorgon last year.

Steve walks over to Zero extending his hand to shake. Zero shakes his hand.

Steve: Steve Harrington. Good to see you again Zero. Still feels weird to call you that.

Zero: You can call me Y/N.

Jonathan walks over and hugs him.

Jonathan: Thank goodness you're here. Thank you.

Zero: Don't thank me yet. We're not out the woods yet.

Jonathan nods as he is right.

Max: Zero?

Zero turns to see the redhead he saw El knock off the skateboard a few days ago. He didn't know why she did it but it seems like the two of them had talked things out.

Max: Hey. Um, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you.

Zero: I know who you are.

Max: *surprised* You do?

Zero: You're the Zoomer aren't you?

Max chuckles in embarrassment as she didn't know he was there for that.

Max: Yeah. I am.

Zero: Well, it's good to meet you. Maybe we can go skating sometime.

Zero says this with a smile as he walks towards Joyce as Max watches and has a small smile.

Max: He is cool.

Joyce: Hey. Hey, sweetheart.

Joyce and Zero hug. Since the year before the boy looked to Joyce as someone who could be his mother figure along with Terry. He couldn't really decide.

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