28. Fake It

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Hailey's pov

Waiting for Charles to return from the paddock is actually living hell. Standing in front of the mirror in his room, I adjust the short dress I'm wearing, looking at how it wraps around my body before I zip it up.

I wonder if this looks good enough. Should I perhaps change?

Looking over at the pile of dresses on top of my suitcase, I decide against changing again. Instead, I pace around the room, then return back to the mirror, double-checking my makeup. One of my hands goes through the ends of my slightly curled hair, trying to make it look more presentable.

I have no reason to be nervous. This isn't even my first date ever.

I usually don't put this much effort into how I look, but for some reason, I want to look my best in front of the paparazzi.

Like that's the only reason...

Reaching for my makeup bag on the nightstand, I put on some lipstick as a final touch when I see Charles' figure appear behind me in the mirror.

"You're back." I say while closing the cap of the lipstick, Charles still standing by the door.

"You're dressed already?"

I watch him through the mirror, my back still turned on him as his eyes travel my body. Feeling his gaze on me, I hold my breath.

I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Charles being awfully quiet now, looks away.

"Is this...okay?" I ask, pointing at my outfit.

"What?" Charles asks.

"My outfit?"

He starts walking slowly towards me, positioning his body right behind me, his eyes never leaving mine. Charles puts his hands up, reaching for my hair and throwing it over my shoulder as he takes the small zipper of my dress in his hands. Delicately, he pulls it up, zipping it while taking his sweet time. Once it's all the way up, his hands find their way on my waist, slightly pulling me against him with his face lying on top of my shoulder.

"It's..." he inhales and exhales before continuing "You look perfect."

I feel the blood rush into my cheeks and I watch as the colour red slowly paints my face.

"Thank you." I murmur and feel Charles squeeze my waist lightly before pulling away.

"I'm sorry I made you wait." He says while taking his jacket off and throwing it on the bed "I'll get ready quickly and then we can leave."

I nod and watch him get into the bathroom. Before I head downstairs in order to allow Charles to get ready, I clean up the mess I've made in his room, shoving all of my clothes back into my suitcase. Not being used to sharing a room with another person I've let my things lie everywhere around the room, but Charles doesn't seem to mind it.

He won't have to put up with it for long anyway, after this race weekend in Monaco it's over, we'll go back to staying in separate hotel rooms.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I check the messages I've received. Ignoring the emails from my manager and a few texts from my mom, I immediately click on the latest one from my team principal.

call me when you're free to talk.

I sigh and press the phone icon, waiting impatiently for Christian to pick up his phone as I wonder what he wants to discuss this time.

Fifty Shades Of Red | Charles Leclerc जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें