1. Hit And Run

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                          Hailey's pov

"Hailey, he's breathing down your neck." Was the last thing I heard from my radio before that asshole crashed his car into mine...again.


A feeling of disorientation and confusion engulfs my entire body with the sudden jolt when his car makes contact with mine. I grip tight the steering wheel, my nails digging into my gloves as I try to keep my car under control.

But it's too late...

He hit the entire back part of my car, causing me to take a swerve, my car spinning uncontrollably as it hits the safety barriers. A sudden pain explodes on my rib, making it harder for me to breathe while still wearing my helmet. It takes a few seconds until I can finally feel my body respond to me again. The only thing I'm able to see when I reopen my eyes is smoke - a lot of it- coming out from the front wing, my chances of winning this race being shattered to dust.

"Charles motherfucking Leclerc!" I scream angrily while hitting my steering wheel with my hands.

"Are you okay Garcia?" Christian Horner, my team principal asks me through my radio with a rushed voice.

I'm not okay.

Cold sweat is dripping down my forehead, my head feels heavy, my vision is blurry and I'm eager for revenge. That asshole used his 'hit and run' strategy against me...again, causing me to dnf yet another race while he climbs up on the podium.

I'm going to murder him.

"I'm fine." I respond in a forced but calm voice while slowly getting out of my car, finding it a bit difficult to get my shaky legs over the halo. I immediately remove my helmet, allowing the air to feel my lungs, shaking away the dizziness as I examine my car which is now lying on the side, almost in pieces.

One of these days the first Ferrari driver will make me end up in pieces together with my car. I was lucky I got to walk away from this, yet another accident...alive.

I wait on the side of the track to get picked up so I can return to the pit. Cars drive by with a breakneck speed and I wish I was still racing as I can still feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. Only if I had managed to avoid the Ferrari car on time maybe I would still be racing right now.

I really thought I had it this time, but of course Charles had to come along and ruin everything.

Returning to the garage after a dnf is torture. It feels like doing the 'walk of shame.' I wish I could say that it doesn't happen that often, but from my experience, it has been happening for the past three races.

These results are not doing good to my reputation. Being the only female racer in the grid, people expect just these types of results but I proved them wrong...that was until Charles.

Once I walk into the Redbull garage disappointed and dissatisfied with today's race, I spot Christian sitting on his usual spot, who only takes a glance at me and returns his attention to the screen in front of him, not giving me a second of his time once he sees that I am at least standing on two feet.

Great. He's probably mad at me now.

I unzip my fireproof, wrapping it around my waist and letting my hair down from the tight bun as a member of the medical team approaches me to examine my wounds. I send them away, telling them that I feel completely fine and head towards where Christian is sitting instead.

"Please tell me that they're giving him a penalty." Unable to stand any longer, I take a seat next to my team principal, holding my breath for his answer.

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