23. Professional

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                            Hailey's pov

I wake up in a different bed this morning. The bed sheets smell like floral cologne, making me feel at ease as the sun shines through the window. I can hear a shower going off in the distance, so I open my eyes, taking everything in.

This is not a single bed, this is not my hotel room and this is definitely not my shirt.

Where the hell am I?

I try to think about what happened last night but Charles appearing at the club is as far as I can get. Everything after that it's just a blur that makes my head hurt when I try to piece it all together.

Am I in Charles' room?

I roll in bed, lying on my side and I see that there's an aspirin and a glass of water on top of the nightstand. I reach out for it sleepily, but before I can do anything else, the bathroom door opens.

Charles walks inside the bedroom, with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet and sticking on his forehead as he tries to dry the back of it with another towel while he's humming a beat.

I'm definitely in Charles' room and I'm definitely awake now.

I lie in bed with a shocked expression on my face, not expecting this to be the first thing to see this early in the morning.

I watch as the little water droplets run down his torso, down on his abs, leaving them all shiny and making me want to reach out and trace them with my fingers.


I practically tear my eyes off his body, forcing to look at his face instead.

"I've been calling your name for the past minute." Charles says, his hand going through his hair, trying to dry it out.

Have I been staring for that long?

"Morning." I say and sit up in bed, putting my hair out of my face.

"I was just going to grab a few clothes, I didn't think you'd be awake." He says and takes a few clothes that are laid out on a chair.

I follow his movements the entire time...the way his back muscles stretch and tense with everything he does. When Charles turns around and catches me staring I immediately look the other way.

I hear him chuckle.

"Sorry." I mumble and lay back again, hiding myself under the blankets.

I can hear Charles speak up but I can't understand anything he says since his voice is muffled underneath the covers.

His footsteps can be heard as he's walking away, returning to the bathroom and I remove the blanket off of me.

"How did you sleep last night?" Charles shouts from the bathroom.

"Speaking of last night..." I say and pinch my eyes closed, dreading to ask him this question "How did I end up here excatly?"

I wait for an answer but it's quiet for some time until Charles walks back into the room, fully clothed this time.

"You don't remember anything?"

"It's all a big, giant blur." I say and Charles looks away, crossing his arms over his chest and biting his lower lip, looking like he's thinking about something. There's a slight crease in the middle of his eyebrows and he has this disappointed look on his face.

Now I'm starting to feel anxious. What excatly did I do last night that's making him react this way?

"Did I do something...inappropriate?" I say and cringe at my words.

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