7. Charles

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                               Hailey's pov

This is definitely not the bathroom.

"I asked you a question." Charles says, moving closer to me.

I lean against the door, suddenly feeling dizzy and not being able to stand straight.

"Does Lewis know you're making funny business in his guest room?" I chuckle while pointing towards the unmade bed but Charles only stares at me.

"That's none of your business." He says with a cold tone.

"Alright then..." I turn to open the door to leave but my legs betray me and I almost fall on the floor.

I almost do...but Charles arms that are wrapped around me don't let me fall.

"That asshole gave you this much to drink?" Charles asks with an irritated voice.

"I'm not drunk." I tell him but I slur my words so that definitely gave it away.

"That's right, you're fucking wasted." Charles face is so close to mine I can practically smell the tequila he had.

"And you care because?" I ask while pulling his hands away from my waist.

"I don't." He says but he puts his hands back to where they were.

Suddenly feeling claustrophobic, I put my hand on his chest to put some distance between us but then I realise that he's shirtless. My cheeks warm up immediately and I avoid any eye contact.

Charles then chuckles.

Can he actually tell the affect he has on me?

"Do you have any idea how hot you look in this dress?" He whispers while leaning into my ear, his breath hitting the side of my face.

"What-t?" I ask, taken back by what he just said, my heart beat fastening.

I can't have heard that right.

Instead of answering, Charles takes a lock of hair out of the way, exposing my entire neck. Then he leans in and places a soft kiss, his lips lingering on my neck for a bit longer than they're supposed to.

"I couldn't stop looking at you." He says and kisses another spot on my neck.

I hold my breath and bite my bottom lip, afraid that a moan will escape my mouth.

"It disgusts me" Charles begins to say while sucking my neck this time, bound to leave a mark "How much I think about you."

"Charles." I moan his name, his hands moving down towards my inner thighs.

"Say it again." He groans in my ear.

"Say what?"

"My name, beautiful." Charles demands, almost out of breath "Say my name."

I realise that it is the first time I've addressed him with his first name.

Charles bites my collarbone this time, encouraging me.

"Charles." I whisper.

"Fuck, baby." He says and he grips the back of my neck "I might just come undone at you saying my name over and over again."

His words hit me like a brick and I immediately pull his hands off of me, opening the door and walking out. Charles doesn't follow me, or doesn't stop me from leaving.

I run downstairs, my head spinning with thoughts of what almost would have happened if I hadn't stopped it.

Charles was touching me in an inappropriate way and I let him. He had caused me so much pain and I still let him. That's how much power he has over me.

"Did you find the bathroom?" Lando asks me when I almost bump into him.

"Ugh yeah I did." I lie with a stright face.

"Good. You should go over at Max though. He was getting worried."

Worried? Over me?

I spot Max in the crowd and head over to him.

"There you are! Come on! Dance with me." Max says and takes my hand, dragging me to the 'dance floor'.

Max pulls me into him, his hands on my waist while he turns me around, my back pressed up against him, our bodies swaying in the same rhythm.

One of his hands moves my hair over one shoulder and then they move slowly towards the end of my short dress, lingering around the place where my skin is showing, as if he's asking for permission to touch me.

I begin to feel overwhelmed, like all of this is happening too fast but then I decide to let myself loose and go with it.

I take his hands in mine, pulling them lower and Max gently scratches the side of my thighs, in the same spot where Charles' were a minute ago.
I can already feel him tense behind me.

"You have no idea how hard you make me." Max groans in my ear and turns me around to face him.

His hand cups my cheek and the other goes behind my neck, pulling my face closer to him.

Is he about to kiss me?

I look in his eyes which are full with lust and I grip his shirt, pulling him closer to me, our noses touching.

When I feel like I'm about to give in and kiss him I feel another pair of hands on me, pushing me forcefully.

I fall into the pool, cold water engulfing my entire body as I sink under. I swim to the top and as soon as my head goes above surface, I hear a few voices screaming at each other.

"It was an accident." Charles screams at Max who is not having it "I didn't mean for her to fall in, she was just standing in my way."

I look up at Charles who's looking at me from above, his face full of satisfaction.

Does he enjoy humiliating me this much?

Max helps me get out of the pool. I already start feeling colder when the cold air hits my skin.

"Are you alright?" Max asks from beside me, his hands still wrapped around me to secure me.

I don't answer him, instead, I turn to Charles who is still standing in front of us, his eyes are emotionless.

I start feeling a lot light headed, my headache starts to kick in.

"Hailey!" Charles puts his hand on my shoulder, bringing my attention to him "Are you hurt?"

His eyes search for mine but my head turns to where he's touching me.

"Never touch me again." I say in his face while taking his hand off of me.

Charles' face drops and his brows furrow.

"Let's go Hailey." Max says and leades me towards the exit.



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