Chapter 46 - Pull The Trigger

Start from the beginning

I walk downstairs only to see Eric at the front entrance putting his phone in his pocket.

I continue my way toward the door with a plan to walk past him and ignore him just how I have been doing the past couple of days. That plan is cancelled the moment he sets his eyes on me.

"My life, where are you going?" He steps right in front of the door, blocking my way.

"On a walk just how I do every other morning." I look him those scary eyes of his.

"You've changed plans." He informs me, taking a tight hold of my hand. "You can go on a walk later. I need you to accompany me to a small meeting."

I don't even get a say in anything before he is dragging me out the door. I don't even object or say a word because I know it won't get me anywhere.

I stay quiet the entire time to this meeting of his. We're in the SUV with some of his men and I feel a bit awkward by how silent it is. They don't even look at me it's as if I did not exist but its most likely in their contract that they aren't allowed to look at me or else their eyes will be carved out. I also don't feel like talking to anyone, so it is a win for me in a way. I just kind of wish they would have gone in a separate car. The silence is deafening. Eric is in his own little world, staring out his window.

We're only a few minutes from arriving when I realize I'm wearing yoga pants and a yoga jacket with sneakers to this meeting. He could have at least made me go change first. I don't even understand why he wants me to accompany him. He rarely asks me to and when he does, he actually lets me choose if I want to go with him or not. I also change into something a little more presentable.

We finally come to a stop, and everyone gets out of the vehicle including me. It's a bit cool out so I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I take a look around at the surroundings. The place we have arrived at is literally in the middle of nowhere. It almost appears to be an abandoned farm.

Eric steps in front of me. He has a look of almost pity on his face and that is when I know there is something wrong. I get that same eerie feeling I got when he scared me with Dahlia, so I begin to feel panic even though I don't have any reason to panic yet. I just know he has something fun for him planned.

He takes my face softly in his hands giving me a kiss on the forehead. Then he gives me a gentle hug that feels like he is trying to comfort me for some reason.

He notices my look of confusion and lightly smiles, taking my hand in his once more and leading me to the barn where the men have disappeared into. They're all standing around the empty place as if they are ready to trap someone in here. Fear displays on my face, and I feel it throughout my entire body. For a second, I think Eric is planning to murder me, but I know he would rather eat shit than do that. So why are we here?

"My dear wife." My husband stands in front of me, holding my hands gently in his.

"I know that you won't be completely mine until he is gone. You won't attempt to love me unless he doesn't exist any longer." He is referring to Marco.

"Eric, what are you talking about? What is happening?" The panic in my voice is clear.

He doesn't answer because in that moment we hear a car outside and then I see him walk in. Then, it all clicks. I become nauseous. My heart drops, my stomach churns, and my palms become sweaty as I feel a loss of breath. He can't be fucking serious.

Eric snaps his fingers. Two of his men instantly go to detain Marco by the arms. Marco lets them because he is too busy staring at me.

"Why is he here? Why are they grabbing him?" I demand answers from Eric.

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