Letting Go

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Austin is outside lying on the grass with Miss Daisy and Peppermint when she is finally finished with breakfast. She has made pancakes, cut up fruit, and placed a twirl of cream on top with a drizzle of maple syrup. It all looks very pretty. She fishes out a large tray and places their plates on it along with two fresh cups of coffee. Austin jumps up and takes the tray from her as she walks out onto the patio. "This looks amazing," he says following her back down the steps to where he had been lying on the grass. Indy giggles and sits down then shuffles closer to Austin as he places the tray down, sitting too. Miss Daisy grunts and lifts her head. "Don't even think about it," Austin mumbles to her as he lifts the plates from the tray. She had served Austin a large portion with ten pancakes, she had seen the man eat, and only two pancakes for herself. Austin passes her the plate with ten pancakes. "Oh! No, this is your one," she says almost frantically. "Oh? Silly me," he says with a grin and swops the plates. Indy giggles and shakes her head as he starts to chuckle. His playful nature is cheezy sometimes but in the cutest way possible.

She watches him dissect a pancake with his fork then stab a piece of it along with a piece of fruit and some cream before popping it into his mouth. He hums his approval and looks at her with happy eyes. "I insist on pancakes for every Saturday breakfast, sugar," he says. Indy preens. "Ok," she says trying to calm her heart again. He is making future plans  - small plans but it's big. Miss Daisy rolls on her back and Indy watches as her little legs spasm along with very sad-sounding grunts. "Is she ok? She looks like she is in pain," she says putting down her plate and leaning over in worry.

"Pay her no mind. She is fine."

"You sure? She looks like she is having a seizure."

"She is a Hollywood actress."

Miss Daisy lets out a long ear-pearcing grunt then goes limp, her little legs hanging off to the side of her fat body, only her curly little tail twitching. "Oh!  I don't think she is ok, Austin. We should take her to the vet," Indy says going up on her knees and nudging Miss Daisy who remains limp. "Is she dead?" Indy asks, getting ready to rush inside to call a vet. "She will be if she continues her tantrum," Austin says around a mouthful of food. Indy turns to look at him, her eyes wide. "How can you just sit there so calmly and continue eating? Something is wrong with her," she says. Austin sighs and rolls his eyes. "I am going to make bacon outa ya," he grunts to Miss Daisy putting his plate down and picking up a pancake.

He leans over and dangles it just above her snout. In a flash, Miss Daisy suddenly starts to grunt and Indy has to move back as she flips her body over onto her tiny little legs then grabs the pancake with her mouth and trots off happily to the bushes at the bottom of the garden with Peppermint running after her. "What was wrong with her?" Indy asks sitting back down and picking up her plate. "I will tell you what's wrong with her. She is spoilt. I coddled her too much as a piglet and now she thinks the world revolves around her," Austin says as he starts shoveling pancakes and fruit into his mouth. "She eats all my food, has taken over my house, and demands my attention when it suits her. Nothing is mine anymore," he grumbles while he continues to shove food into his mouth as if he is afraid she will come back and steal the rest of his pancakes. "I am down a pancake," he mumbles and shakes his head in dismay.

Indy giggles and slides her second pancake onto his plate. Then with her heart hammering so hard in her chest it hurts a little when he looks over at her, she opens her mouth. "I'm just for you. You don't have to share me," she whispers. Austin stares at her, he has a mouth full of food but he has stopped chewing. He has a tiny bit of syrup in the corner of his mouth so she reaches over and wipes it clean with her thump. He grabs her wrist when she starts pulling her hand back and watches her for a second longer then swallows his food, discards his plate, and pulls her onto his lap in a straddle. "You need to be careful with your words, Indy," he says. Fear. He uses her name not only when he is angry or serious. He uses it when he is scared too.

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