Happy Birthday Miss Blair!

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I loved this chapter so much, I hope you all enjoy reading it.

3rd Person's POV

Blair walks around greeting her guests, feeling so proud of the party and everyone who is there to celebrate her entering her twenties

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Blair walks around greeting her guests, feeling so proud of the party and everyone who is there to celebrate her entering her twenties. Dean Reuther, I am so thrilled you could make it." Blair greets her dean.

"Happy birthday, Blair. The guest list is inspired. Thank you for inviting me and my faculty."

"Well, thank you, and I hope you get a chance to chat with Patricia Ireland. I think she'd be really interested in that paper you wrote for Yale Law Review on Planned Parenthood V Casey."

"You read that?" Dean Reuther asks, shocked.

"Of course. Every woman who cares about her right to choose should." Blair answers.

"You know, Blair, I think we should get to know each other better. I'll have my assistant set up a lunch." Blair is feeling like she's on cloud nine. Everything is going perfectly. Jessica approaches her.

"OMG. The last girl, the dean, took to lunch and became CEO of Pepsi." Blair smiles proudly at her accomplishments. She spots Serena and Ella and goes up to her best friends.

"Everything is perfect." Blair gushes to them. "The guest, the food, me."

"Sounds perfect."

"E, can we call a truce? Your brother and I are on good terms. Please, for my birthday, I would like to have my best friend back." Blair pleads with her.

"Are you still denying that you have feelings for my brother?" Ella asks.

"Uh...I can't stand your brother." Blair lies.

"Until you're honest with me, then we're nothing but acquaintances. Happy Birthday, Miss Waldorf." Ella walks away, leaving Blair speechless.

"She hates me more than Chuck does."

"She doesn't hate you." Serena defends Ella. "She's protective of her brother, and rightfully so."

"You're my best friend." Blair reminds her.

"And they are my siblings, and when everything happened last spring between Chuck and you, everyone sided with you. For months, no one spoke to Chuck, and we had no idea he was mugged and left for dead in an alley. Ella doesn't want people to write her brother off again." Serena explains.

"She needs to forgive me. I...I don't know why she wants me to admit to still being in love with Chuck when that's furthest from the truth." Blair lies.

"I don't want to fight B. This is your birthday party, and...just go mingle with your guests and have a good night." Serena excused herself, and Blair rushed off, needing to take her mind off everything. Colin exits the elevator with Juliet and other guests.

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