Season 1 Episode 9: A Subtle Blow In The Wind

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"Some within the news, like Ms. Harriot, have been using their platform to ask questions the wider public wants answers to. "Why was the government so slow to respond to the aftermath of the crisis? Why weren't more forces able to be mobilized to defend the people? Why weren't special forces or even the army deployed?"

"Those within the police force that survived the battle with Flame and/or saw me use my power, were struck with a gag order. Not sure how effective it'll be but...heh...hey I mean, this would mark the first time someone of high standing signed off to something which protects people with powers. What am I saying...I shouldn't be joking at a time like this. Sorry."

"In other news, after the attack, Daniel was rushed to a hospital - where he's been for the last few days. Luckily, he's been awake, and Thomas and Angelica have gone to see him, but me...I can't. I can't bring myself to face him after what I did. It was my fault he was there in the first place. How can I see him after that?"

"As for me, my wounds have essentially healed. After getting some rest, my power's ability to heal kicked in again, and can fill in the rest. As it stands, Thomas and Angelica still don't know what happened to put Daniel in the hospital. In their own words, "We'll talk about it as a family once he's back home." No doubt they're worried sick. I guess I caused that too, huh?"


Isaac strides out of the hallway and into the kitchen, with his hair returned to its usual middle-parted style. However, his eyes were a feature that couldn't be easily rectified; it was evident that they still held the undeniable presence of pain and suffering. 

"Good morning, Isaac," Thomas stated, nodding towards his son. 

"Yeah, good morning." 

"Sleep well?" Angelica questioned, turning to face him. 

"Yeah. I guess," Isaac replied. He was lying. He hadn't slept well since he learned what happened to Daniel. 

"You know," Thomas began to speak up, gaining Isaac's attention. "Your brother has been wanting to see you. Apparently, he has something he wants to tell you," he finishes, taking a sip from his mug. 

"I'm surprised you haven't gone to see him already," Amgelica said. "I figured we wouldn't be able to get you to go school, you'd be so attached to him," she joked. 

"Shut the hell up," Isaac muttered, gaining a confused look from his mother. 

"Excuse me?" Thomas sternly questioned, placing his mug down on the table.

Isaac clenched his fist before yelling, "I said shut the hell up! I mean, how the hell could you joke about something like that?!" he glanced towards Angelica, with anger and resentment in his eyes. 

"I...I'm sorry...I just wanted to lighten the mood," she responded, attempting to hold back tears. Isaac froze, his facial expression softening. Seeing his mother almost brought to tears by his own words was gut-wrenching. 

"No...No I...I'm sorry," he muttered, placing the palm of his right hand on his forehead. 

"Isaac, we understand that you're going through a tough time, but remember that everyone is struggling too," Thomas expressed with a disappointed look towards Isaac and then hurried off to console his wife, who had rushed to the living room, leaving Isaac by himself.

"She was just joking around...why...why did I do that? I'm sorry," he muttered, before grabbing his bag which sat attached to a chair. After putting it on, the boy made his way towards the front door. Leaving without saying goodbye or eating his breakfast.

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