Season 1 Episode 12: The Day History Changed

32 3 0

Date: July 19th 2014

Desbine City

With the blow of a whistle, the kids gathered on the field all turned to face their coach, "Alright, bring it in for a moment!" he yelled. Hastily the various groups on the field all ran towards their coach. 

"What do you think he's gonna say?" Daniel questioned, turning to face his brother. 

"He's gonna tell us how amazing we are!" Isaac cheerfully states, his smile so bright. 

"Oh please, Isaac, we both he'll be talking about me," Colton, a boy with dark red hair, chimed in, playfully punching Isaac in the arm. 

"Oh please, with your ego! Ha, don't make me laugh!" Isaac responded. 

Daniel smiled as he watched his brother and friend get along. This was everything he had ever wanted. It was perfect. "You guys are quite the comedians. I mean, I think we all know coach was watching me the most," Daniel joined in on the back and forth, prompting Isaac and Colton to stare at one another before beginning to laugh. 

"H-Hey! What's so funny?" Daniel questioned. 

"Well, it's just...I think you might be confused as to why coach was starin' at ya." Colton joked.

"I think he was looking after our weakest link," Isaac added.


Isaac, Colton, and I - The Original Trio. We had mad Colton earlier last year when he changed schools, and we quickly became close. Spending everyday around one another type close. It was fun having someone else to hang out with. But then...because of a mistake on my part...that all came crashing down.


(The Next Day)

Isaac and Daniel rested under a tree on their own. The rest of the kids were off doing something else, leaving the two of them alone.  Practice had just ended, and they were exhausted. "You know...I...I think...we're getting worked more..." Isaac stated through several deep breaths. 

"Oh, yeah...that's rich coming from you..." Daniel joked, hunched over looking towards the orange colored sky. 

"What's...What's that supposed to mean?" Isaac questioned, offering his brother a water bottle.

 "Well, it's just," Daniel took a quick sip. "You know, you've always been the more athletic one out of us, despite never having to put in a whole lot of work," he finished, handing the bottle back to his brother. 

"Mhmm, you know what, that sounds like excuses," Isaac joked, smiling back towards his brother. 

"Oh, bull crap! You've always been better than me. Ever since we were younger," Daniel exclaimed. "You would always taunt and mock me. Remember that one time you hit that log and fell on the ground, and then all that crazy stuff happened with your power?"

"Who knew you could sound so happy when talking about the day I almost died!" Isaac cheerfully taunted back.

Suddenly, both boys hear something drop to the ground, prompting them to hastily turn. "P-P-Power?" Colton muttered, his face terrified. 

"C-Colton!" Isaac yelled, fear rising on his face as well. 

Daniel nervously laughed to himself before explaining, "C-Colton...I...I was just joking around. Just a joke." 

The red haired boy looked around for a moment before cracking a nervous smile, "Oh... okay... just a joke," he muttered. 

"Y-Yeah, Daniel and I were just messing around. No need to be so serious," Isaac chimed in.

A Hero's Journeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें