Season 1 Episode 5: Focus

47 4 0

Date: August 10 2017

Desbine Police Headquarters

Emerging from his Office, Braun takes a step into the main lobby, the hard floor feeling nothing like the soft material which made up Braun's office. The Senior Officer looked around the room, quickly noticing everyone's gloomy faces, slouched postures, and lack of energy. Braun knew moral had been tanking for years, however their was nothing he could do about it. 

Any minor victory they achieved was always drowned out by a humiliating defeat which left more and more of their friends dead. Braun walked over towards a wall which was made out glass, allowing him to peer from the second story and overlook the road and its inhabitants down below.

So far, today seems to be an alright day: The public are moving quite well, there's been a noticeable decline in people calling in, and to make matters better, we've finally managed to secure the Enhanced Individual. Braun explained to himself, his fingers interlocked behind his back. Although, having said that, we don't really have any meaningful way to contain in for a long period of time. All we can really do is hope for the best and keep him drugged. Due to the stress of potentially losing their only lead, Braun's face tenses up.

"Sir," Braun heard a voice call out from behind.

 "Yes?" he questioned, slightly turning his head to see who was speaking to him. 

"After analyzing the battlefield, the team has yet to find any trace of the officers badges. It's just like it was four months ago," the officer reports, his words carrying a light sense of panic.

"I see, thank you. For the time being, I want to focus our efforts on extracting as much information out of Eren," Braun responded, turning to face the window.

 "I'll pass it along, sir," the officer reported before turning and walking away, leaving Braun alone once again. 

Four months ago, huh. Damn, to think so little time has passed and we've achieved even less. Four years ago, I thought I could change things, I thought that maybe I could lead us towards a unified fight, I thought that maybe we could stand a chance against the UGC, heh, god was I wrong. Braun looks up, glancing towards the bright blue sky. Varon, would you have still sponsored my candidacy if you knew how things would've ended up? Was there a better alternative? I know these thoughts are pointless, but after so many decades of defeat, I can't stop myself from questioning these things.

"Well, don't you just seem worse for wares," Braun heard a young familiar voice call out behind him.


Desbine City | Caddel Household

Sitting in a chair, Daniel clenched his fist, his face mirroring his anger. "Is something wrong, Daniel, you're not touching your food?" Angelica questioned, shooting a worried glance towards her son. 

"Oh, uhh, sorry. Guess I'm just not that hungry," Daniel responded, grabbing a fork. 

"I noticed Isaac isn't out here for dinner. You two get into a fight or something?" Thomas questioned. 

"No, nothing like that. It's something else, I guess," Daniel replied, digging the fork into the plate of food. 


| "I have more stakes in this game than he does. So both of you, keep your damn mouths shut, and never speak to me again. Got it?" |

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