Season 1 Episode 7: Our Missing Angel

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"Although shadowed by later events, everyone, all tethered by the same manipulative thread, was being corralled to the same destination. We didn't know it at the time, but what was about to transpire, would lead to 'The Day History Changed'."


Date: August 15th 2017

Southern District | City Streets

| "And besides, how the hell does someone like you, someone who doesn't even understand how to focus and control their own power, plan to change the way entire generations think about us?" |

Jackson's words echoed in Isaac's mind. Although, deep down, he already arrived to this same conclusion, hearing it said to him out loud still stung. You're right...I know you are, Isaac thought to himself. I'm foolish, I'm stupid, I rely too heavily on Daniel...but...despite all of that, I don't wanna give up. I wanna believe things can get better. A low humming ring began to accompany Isaac's thoughts, the sound mimicking and reacting to his emotions. 

"Hey, you think you can help me out here?" Daniel asked. "Helping you walk isn't exactly an easy task, you know," he added as he attempted to keep his brother from falling to the ground. 

"Ahh, sorry!" Isaac responded, pulling away from his brother's side. 

"Are you alright? I mean, I had to pull you away from that whole scene, and then you fell to the ground and weren't getting up," Daniel said as he gazed downward at the sidewalk, which was bathed in an orange hue from the setting sun. "All I could do was get you to your knees and force you to walk as if you were some old person."

As Isaac watched his brother's eyes, a sense of guilt flew over him. He was still causing trouble for Daniel. Despite all his efforts, nothing had really changed yet; if anything, it had just gotten worse. "I'm good. I promise," Isaac responded, smiling as his brother looked up towards him.

He didn't remember when it began, but over the years Isaac had gotten pretty good at suppressing his true feelings. In his mind, those thoughts were something bad, a connection to his curse. Fortunately for Isaac, during the early years of his life, he didn't have much to suppress, resulting in few instances where pent-up emotions erupted abruptly.

Daniel thought to himself for a moment, before deciding it would be best to put this behind them and move on. "Well, if that's the case, then I have to say, you're not as light as you used to be," Daniel joked, playfully smirking towards his brother. 

"Oh, come on, you couldn't have struggled that much holding me up," Isaac replied, matching his brother's upbeat tone. 

"Who knows?" Daniel said playfully, as he massaged his right shoulder and kept his arm in motion. "I don't think I'll be able to keep carrying you at this rate."

"Oh whatever!" Isaac exclaimed, prompting both brothers to begin laughing towards one another. However, that moment was of peace didn't last long for Daniel.

Isaac, you might not remember this, but it means a lot to me. Back when were younger, moments before your power went off for the very first time, you looked out for me.

| "Daniel, run!"

Seeing you look out for someone other than made me feel proud. Of course, I wouldn't come to understand until a few years later, but still. Daniel kept up his beaming smile and shared in Isaac's laughter.

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