"Holy shit, that is Angry..." Danny muttered, still surprised. Despite his mean looks, he's always been nice. Well, shit, I guess even the good one of the twins can snap.

Rin clicked her tongue in annoyance, her brows furrowing slightly as she clenched her fists at her side. Those useless idiots. "I'm not done with you, Devil." She threw a punch at Danny's face that was still turned the other way, but her eyes widened when her fist was caught in a hand riddled with scars. The next thing she knew, she was falling sideways onto the ground, a sharp pain shooting through her jaw.

Danny looked down at her shocked and bruised face, her head tilted slightly to the side and her previous grin gone. "I'm done with this game. I don't even know why I was so damned scared of you anymore. You're just... another person."

It was laughable. Rin Kamishiro, Tenjiku's Heavenly Queen, "just another person"? Just another person who's done countless unforgivable things. She would've laughed too if she hadn't felt her consciousness slipping and darkness slowly taking over.

Turning and seeing that the commotion around everyone had died down, Danny started making her way over. "Take!"

His head turned toward the sound, his features instantly relaxing when they landed on his sister's grinning face. When he saw how pale her bruise-ridden torso and arms were, his brows knitted together in worry, even more so when he saw her left arm and hand. "Are you ok, Daju?"

"Yep," she replied as he stopped next to him. When she was able to see his face clearly though, she let out a small sigh. "You take way too many hits to the face," she added as she ruffled his short blonde locks. A sudden almost burning warmth on her shoulders made her jump slightly before she looked over her shoulder to see Kazutora with a short-sleeved black shirt on instead of his Toman jacket.

"Give it back later, okay?"

"Fine," she said with a small sigh before slipping her right arm into the sleeve and doing the top button. It's fucking freezing. "Don't come complainin' to me when you get cold though."

"Takemitchy," Angry said, catching his attention. "This fight is in our hands!"

The seven of them stood beside one another. Hakkai with an arm over Takemichi's shoulder for support, Danny just to their right, Angry in the middle of them, Chifuyu to his right alongside Kazutora, and Inui at the other end of the line. Whatever happened, they were all prepared. "LET'S GO!!"


Behind them, Mucho was standing once again. Danny didn't even have to see the knife in his hand to know what he intended to do because the look in his eyes was dark, giving off murderous intent.

"A knife?!" Chifuyu exclaimed upon seeing the weapon.

"I don't... lose..." he lowly said through gritted teeth before his head shot up toward them. "I WILL NEVER LOSE!!" he shouted, slashing his blade at Angry, who jumped back and avoided it.

"ANGRY!!" Takemichi shouted before pushing him back, putting himself between the two now.

Mucho prepared himself for another strike, but just as Danny was about to put herself into the fray, Kakucho stepped in, grabbing the knife by the flat side and stopping it.

"You already lost, Mucho."

"Get out, you shit," he said, frustrated tears building up in the corners of his eyes. "What do you understand-" A hard blow to his gut cut him off.

"I don't want you to be ruined by Tenjiku," he lowly said before stepping to the side, letting Mucho fall to the ground. "You taught me to be a man among men."

Well, that makes one knife that I didn't have to deal with, Danny thought to herself as she mentally prepared herself for what would happen next. If she knew anything about Kakucho, it was that he was always respectful, even in a fight. She knew that he hated underhanded tactics like using weapons, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to take the rest of them down.

"Is he... on our side?" Chifuyu muttered.

"We're saved..." Takemichi mumbled.

"Izana," Kakucho said without looking away from the few remaining Toman members, "I'll take punishment for this later."

"Thank you... Kaku-chan," Takemichi said, still taken aback by what transpired.

"Don't be mistaken, Takemichi. I did not intend to save you." He closed his eyes for a moment. "This is for the man who I entrust my life with." They opened once again, looking more focused than before. "I will bring him to his desired destination, even if it's hell. I am not the same person from when we were kids, Takemichi. I am one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Hitto Kakucho!"

He charged, faster than expected and swiftly knocked Angry down.


Inui was the next one to get knocked back with Chifuyu, Kazutora, and Hakkai following right after. Danny could see him coming, but when she thought she could block his hit, she went tumbling back like the others. Her breathing was heavy, her vision blurrier than before, and, somehow, she didn't feel any of the pain that should've accompanied the blow. Shit.

"Toman is now you alone, Takemichi," Kakucho said as he stood in front of the shorter male.

"You really have gotten stronger, Kaku-chan! But you're a member of a murderous group now, what the hell happened there?"

Danny's eyes widened as Kakucho punched him in the stomach, her good hand clenching her knee.

"Obviously. I'm different from who I was before. I don't care about the past, Takemichi!" He continued his onslaught, delivering blow after blow to the blonde's face.

"Why, Kaku-chan?!"

"You don't understand the bonds we "orphans" have. To me, shit like "childhood friends" can be killed!!"

The next punch sent Takemichi flying through the air, making him land harshly on the ground before he pushed himself up again.

It felt as though she was being suffocated, like her chest was being weighed down by impossibly heavy weights. The sight in front of her was nothing new. Her brother always had an inclination to lose fights, after all. She had seen this countless times, witnessed passing sights of bigger guys beating on him. Whether it was one guy, or maybe two or three, even more at times. Back then, she was too caught up in herself to even pay it any mind. Maybe she had even found it amusing once, but now it just pissed her off. Seeing him get beat past the point it should've ended was slowly getting to her.


"WAIT!!" Chifuyu shouted at the same time that he got between the two, his arms held out to stop Takemichi.

Danny blinked a couple of times before letting out a quiet sigh of relief. With that small amount of relief though came a burning and freezing sensation. Fuck, I really am an idiot.

"That's enough Takemitchy! Toman lost! Four-hundred against fifty... We knew right from the beginning that we couldn't win this fight. Look! There's no one else standing! You... did your best, but if this goes on, you'll die..." Chifuyu went on with tears streaming down his face.

"TOMAN WILL NEVER LOSE!!!" Takemichi exclaimed, shocking Chifuyu and some others. "As long as I am here, Toman will never lose!"

~This just randomly came to mind, but...

Chifuyu: What do you have?

Mucho: A knife!

Kaku: NO!

I'm sad they took away the bite though... And thanks for 4.8k reads! It took a while for this to get much of any traffic, but I'm still happy that it's gotten this far:)~

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