"Well, they're the offspring of two werewolves, I've never heard of it occurring but these creatures are supposed to have near human intelligence and obvious be smart enough to avoid human detection...he must have felt trapped, lashed out." Kettleburn answered, "I cannot answer that accurately, only healer Chang can."

Dippet nodded, they couldn't come up with a punishment until they knew all the facts. But there would be a punishment; he couldn't believe a twelve year old had been so stupid as to bring a wolf cub into his school especially the size of it! Of all the things that had happened during his tenure as both a professor and Headmaster he hadn't come across a student doing something so reckless before.

He honestly couldn't think of a punishment suitable, with or without the possibility of a teenager being infected with lycanthrope. Hadrian Peverell had nearly died again, this time under his care, he was furious. He was half tempted to think of expelled, but Albus was unfortunately right, despite his large stature he was just twelve years old - and they did make mistakes.

"If you will excuse me, I wish to check on my student," Slughorn declared, knowing nothing would be decided at the first meeting - it never did happen that way. He stalked out of the room, letting the door bang closed as he made his way to the hospital wing as quickly as possible.

"I assume Rubeus is free to go?" Albus stated, glancing around the room at the others in disappointment, Rubeus hadn't meant any harm; he was just twelve years old and had made a little mistake. The drama was unnecessary if you asked him, and his opinion did matter most to Armando, so he would have to come later and speak to him without the others around.

"For the moment," Dippet replied, glancing at the subdued boy. "Silvanus you know what to do?"

"Of course, I'll go immediately," Kettleburn said nodding his understanding. He guessed he was going to the forest of dean to find out if the pack of werewolf cubs were still there, so if they didn't kill it the animal could be brought back where he belongs to his pack and the wild not some cage in a dorm.

The chance of it being allowed to live was slim, it had almost killed a student - a Slytherin to boot - who will probably order it to be put down. Although the boy was actually attentive in his class, and treated him and the animals with the appropriate amount of respect.

"Good," Dippet nodded, "You may resume your normal duties ladies and gentlemen," one by one they began to leave making sure all their students returned to their dormitories. Albus guided the guilt stricken student out of his office, causing him to shake his head once more. What a night, during Samhain too, or Halloween as the youngsters called it. He still celebrated the pagan holidays, as his family had done before him. Somehow he just wasn't in the mood tonight.

With a resigned sigh he stood up, and made his way to his fireplace, it was time to see how Hadrian was himself, as he used the Floo Network to call upon the healer from his office. One he was done with that he would need to get the House-elves to check every nook and cranny of Mr. Hagrid's Dorm room and make sure there was nothing else there.

Two Days Later

Harry inwardly groaned when he felt himself coming around, his neck felt like it was on fire, he was extremely thirsty and his stomach was complaining too. Why was it always him? He really, really had the worst sort of luck on Halloween, even when he wasn't Harry Potter.

Next year he was holing up and not coming out until the bloody day was over. He wondered if it had happened in the old timeline and whether it had hurt someone or just been found.

'It got free the last time yes, but they weren't as severely wounded like you were.' Death informed Harry as he slid into his mind.

'Who got hurt?' Harry enquired curiously; obviously it had happened the last time around since Tom had found out about it. So that had been a stupid thought, during the whole first Horcrux/diary thing he'd said Hagrid had raised werewolf cubs and fought trolls in the forbidden forest, in his time there were no Trolls other than the one in his first year so was that true too?

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