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Louis's POV:

"Hello, my beloved," I whisper softly, clutching her favorite flowers as I stand before the picture of the one I cherished most.

Marcella, as I stand here in front of your picture, a year has slipped away, yet it feels like yesterday. I remember your smile, your laughter, and the dreams in your eyes.

But I can't escape the truth that it was my hand that took you from me. The guilt weighs on me like an anchor, and it's inescapable.

Looking at your photo, I see not just your beauty but also my own darkness. Your absence is an emptiness I can't fill. I've tried to move on, but the burden of my actions drags me down.

I wish I could turn back time, hold you again, and ask for forgiveness. But I can't. All I have are memories, both a blessing and a curse.

Tears in my eyes, a heart filled with regret, and a soul scarred by my own darkness, I'm haunted by the knowledge that I destroyed the one thing I loved most. I'm left with the harsh truth that I can never bring you back, no matter how desperately I wish to.

In your absence, I'm a prisoner of my own actions, carrying the burden of guilt. I can only hope that wherever you are now, you've found peace and forgiveness, because I fear it will forever elude me.

After we won the battle, we looked everywhere for Zayn and Marcella, but they seemed to have vanished. We think Zayn may have laid her to rest in a place only he knows, bearing the same grief as me. I'm responsible too, and I wish I could find him and apologize because this burden is becoming too much to bear.

I now live with my parents, Golillion has surely grown into a heaven. Everything lively with families living happily. When I met my parents for the first time it felt as if everything has fallen into place for me. I was overwhelmed with a mix of strong emotions – pure happiness, a long-buried longing, and an immense sense of relief. They couldn't stop their tears as well. That was a moment I never knew I wanted in my life. 

Their love is like a lifeline, pulling me back into their world, and I'm overwhelmed by the love that's been waiting for me all these years.

I think about all the moments we missed – birthdays, milestones, growing up. But I'm focusing on the present, on the fact that we're finally here, together. It took 18 years, but I'm certain this is the start of a new chapter. We're a family again, and I'm incredibly grateful for this second chance.

Liam and Adeline have returned to Earth. Adeline mentioned that she's graduated from here, and she's eager to continue her studies at the university. Our conversations have changed, and I understand that being here reminds her of her sister in everything she does or sees.

We also met with Liam's parents and shared everything. Karen was heartbroken to learn that I'm not her child, but she was relieved that I found my way back. I reassured her that she'll always be my first mother, and we agreed to meet every month. My parents are so grateful to her.

Also, Kendrix revealed something truly astonishing to me. Marcella and Adeline are not sisters. Marcella's father used to work at Alec's father's house, and he was the one who saved me that fateful night when Alec tried to harm my parents and me. Tragically, Marcella's father lost his life in the process.

Following her father's passing, Marcella was taken in by their kind neighbors. They treated her like their very own child and ensured her true identity remained a closely guarded secret. Kendrix knew all of this because he had a connection to Marcella's father.

I found the one who gifted me life's first light, but in doing so, I lost my own world, my heart forever in twilight.

                                                  ✰ THE END ✰

(Alright, I'm still in disbelief that I've just finished my very first book. The happiness I'm feeling right now is beyond words. It took me about two years, but I vividly remember the day it all began. It was a perfect rainy day during quarantine, and I was on my laptop reading about "Ruskin Bond," the Indian writer, who was celebrating his 87th birthday and had just published a book. I thought, if he can write a book at 87, why can't I at 15? Within a few hours, I had the story plot ready. I wasn't afraid of judgment because I truly enjoyed it and wanted to savor the experience. I've always envisioned the ending, which, in my mind, is even better than what's written here. Please don't judge, it's my first book! Lastly, a huge thank you to those who've been reading it from the start or have read it along the way. I love and appreciate you all so much!)

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