Chapter 57

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Marcella's POV:

"Where are you heading to?" My best asked as I was checking myself in the mirror.

"I don't know, Zayn just asked me to meet me." I informed her. Funny how she knows nothing about last night. I'll tell her later maybe because now I'm in a hurry.

"Woahh, a date?" She teased me.

I turned to her. "I don't know. He just asked me to come and mentioned nothing." 

"Girl, look at me." She asked me to face her when I was placing my comb back to its position. 


"OH MY GOD, You're glowing." She stared at me in amazement."You look gorgeous more than ever."

"Aww. I love you. Thanks." I hugged her. "Honestly, Aurora," I let her go "Everything seems so easy and beautiful when I'm with Zayn. I am sincerely in love with the most extraordinary man on Earth." I expressed my feelings to my best friend.

"Well, I should definitely thank Zayn for making you perky. I'm so happy for you." He held my hand. "Did you tell your sister yet?"

"I can't wait to inform her about this but I don't really get time to meet her. You already know her involvement with her friend groups and also living in different buildings and a lot of events taking place made it impossible but I'm gonna tell this the moment I meet her today." I said.

"Wait, do you have your dress prepared for today?" She asked hastily.

"Dress for what?"

"La Serenade." She talked about it, making it clear just how irresponsible I had been. I had honestly forgotten.

I started rubbing my forehead in tension when my best friend pulled my hand down and said the most relaxing thing ever. "I got it for you as well, you seemed disturbed for the last few days so I decided to get one by myself and surprise it with you because I knew you were going to forget." 

"Oh my god. My Savior. I can't thank god enough for you. I love you so much." I hugged her tightly.

"Ohh now let go of me and rush to Zayn or you'll miss a fantastic date with your boyfriend." Boyfriend? Wow, he's my boyfriend? Yes he's although we never talked about it but he likes me and I like him back also, we have confessed our feelings to each other so it's what it's supposed to mean, right? I've never felt for anyone the way I feel about him so, this feeling is kind of new to me but it's a heavenly feeling.

"Byeee." I let go off my best friend and shut the door behind quickly rushing to the coffee shop where Zayn had called me.

"Hey." He was standing outside the coffee shop. "Good morning." 

He Raises an eyebrow. "Took you long enough! I almost ordered a 'Girlfriend Latte' just to cope with the wait." 

I couldn't help but started laughing.

 "A 'Girlfriend Latte'? Is that a blend of caffeine and impatience?"

"Exactly! It's brewed with a hint of 'Where have you been?' and topped with 'I thought you'd never show up.' "

"Well, I apologize for the delay. I hope this 'Girlfriend Latte' doesn't cost too much." I said playfully.

He leaned closer to me with a wink. "The price is one sweet kiss. Payment is due now."

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush upon hearing his words.

"You know, I think they should name a new shade of red after you. Call it 'Blushing Beauty.'" He noticed me blushing and said with a smile making me giggle and blush more.

The Truth Untold [Louis & Zayn Fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant