Chapter 16

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"Yes, they are zodiac signs." Said louis.

"But here it works a bit differently. " Continued Adeline.

"Differently? How?" Asked liam with partial narrowed eyes.

Liam was so confused that he couldn't think straight and was messing up things in mind.

"This world is separated by zodiac signs,liam." Informed Adeline.

"Huhh, what's different in it than the earth?" Liam raised his eyebrows.

"She said world not people." Said louis to liam.

Liam looked at louis and after thinking for a couple of seconds his face went clueless. He had no expression on his face right now except for his eyes were staring at louis continously expecting an answer to the question which hasn't been asked yet.

But Louis knew liam like no one else so he knew what liam wants.

"Yes kiddo." Louis nodded his head and continued " This world is separated by zodiac signs like there are countries for each signs and people belonging to that particular sign live in their respective countries."

Liam was astonished to hear this. His clueless face now had an expression of amazement. Those eyebrows above his ravishing brown eyes which were staring at Louis continously for an answer were now now raised.

"You got to be kidding me!" Liam's jaw slacked.

"What are the total numbers of signs?" Liam asked.

"Twelve." Adeline answered.

"Yes, thanks!" Liam quickly looked at her and said. "So, here there are twelve countries in total?" Liam continued.

"Yes." Said louis.

"Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the names of the countries?" Liam said while counting on his fingers.

"Yes sir." Smirked louis.

"In which world are we in right now." Asked Liam.

"Golillion." Said Adeline.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I meant country." Liam smiled weakly.

"Capricorn." Informed Adeline.

"Didn't you hear when I replied to Adeline earlier this morning that we were in Capricorn?" Louis asked.

"Didn't pay much attention." Liam said. "But this is so interesting, I've neither heard nor imagined of something like this before." Liam continued excitedly.

"Why are the countries divided on the basis of zodiac signs?" Asked liam curiously.

Louis had no answer to this so he looked at Adeline expecting an answer from her.

Adeline after understanding what louis wanted said "Well,in each country people of same signs reside.They have same behavoir,habits etc. Like here in our country, we all are Capricorn and some of the common behaviors you'll find in everyone here are that we are ambitious, determined, materialistic and strong. People of each country have their own characteristics which makes us unique from each other."

"Wow.So cool." Reacted liam excitedly.

"Look at the excitement of this child." Said Granny Alecto happily. Despite of  being old and having a face full of wrinkles,she didn't loose her charm.

Everyone chuckled.

Granny Alecto was very delighted to hear those beautiful laughs again after so long. She'd lost hope of happiness arriving at her door ever again but now she was sitting in front of three children and gazing their alluring laughter who proved her wrong. She couldn't be more happy that she'd been proven wrong.

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