Chapter 7

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I don't know what to do. Why do things like these keep on happening with me? Can't I live normally like everyone around me. Should I share this with anyone? So many questions are running in my mind but the only answer I can think of is 'no' because.

The door of my room opened distracting me from my thoughts.

"Whose letter is that?" asked Liam with an excitement-filled in his voice.

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"Hmm...What's the name of that unlucky girl." he taunted.

"WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I raised my voice.

"Cool down bro, was just joking," he said calmly.

"Keep your shitty jokes with you," I said angrily meaning it.

"Why are you both arguing?" came in my mum.

I grabbed my bag and left the room without saying anything. Left for the school.

On my way to school, I just kept thinking about the letter.' YOU'RE EXACTLY THE PERSON WE NEED'. WHY I'M THE PERSON WHOEVER THEY ARE NEEDS?

"Hey Louis." a pleasant-voiced girl called distracting me from my thoughts.

As I turned back was standing a girl from my class, she was wearing high-waisted blue baggy jeans and a white top with white sneakers. For the very first time, I noticed that she was nearly 5'5, four incheseseseses shorter than me. Her shiny brown hairs were tied high. I realized that I'd never noticed anyone this much.

"Hey, how you doing?"She asked with a bright smile by interrupting my thoughts.

"I don't know," I said and walked further.

She walked beside me and with a cheerful voice said "You're insane."

"I know! Isn't it great?"I replied.

"Well, aren't you just a little bucket of sass?"

"What makes you think so?" I asked.

"I don't know." she taunted.

I stopped and glared at her and discovered that her amazingly innocent blue eyes were admiring me.

"Adina, I would appreciate it if you will mind your own business, "I said meaning it.

She took a step closer to me and murmured "Adeline, my name is Adeline."

I rolled my eyes and walked further living her behind and she followed me to our class but I ignored her.


After the dismissal, I left for the cafe.

I quickened my pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky. Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold color of the sun.

I got the first splatter of rain as soon as I pushed the door of the espresso express to open it.

"Hey, did you find any black diary on that table at the corner while cleaning yesterday?" I asked one of the boys who stays till the last and cleans up the floor and everything I guess.

"No, mate. There was nothing like that in the whole shop," he replied.

"Are you sure?"I asked.

"Yes, bro," he informed with a confident voice.

As I walked to the other corner of the shop to keep my bag on the table while thinking about where my diary would be, I stubbed my toe and fell.


"Did you just fall?" asked someone.

As I looked up was standing the towhead girl from yesterday. I stood up and said:

"No, I attacked the floor."

She rolled her eyes and a few seconds later with a bitter voice said "Could you be please nice for two minutes."

While keeping my bag on the table I answered "I gave it some serious thought."

"But sadly, that's not possible," I added while looking at her.

"Go to hell," she said with her eyes lowered and pulled closer together.

"Been there, the devil didn't like me and spat me back out," I replied.

"OH MY GOD!" she said with an annoyed face and thankfully went away.

I started doing the work I'm here for i.e. serving the coffees and stuff. Moments later I noticed that all the staff had gathered at a place and most probably were discussing something very serious.

"What are you guys discussing?" I went to them and asked.

"Have you noticed something unusual happening around?" one of the boys with a deep accent, not more than I asked.

"Yeah, a few days ago?" I asked.

"No." they all said at the same time.


"The brown table kept at the last corner of the shop." pointed the towhead girl at a table kept at the last corner which is useless. I mean nobody uses that.

"So, what's with that?" I asked.

"Haven't you noticed anything about it, seriously?" one of the girls among them asked.

"No, what's with that table?" I asked and walked to that table.

"Louis, don't" shouted everyone with a quavering voice.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it has some ghost or something." six of them said.

"A ghost?" I laughed.

"Louis, please don't, it moves on its own."

"You all are such a big absurd." I laughed and patted on the table twice.


I was petrified by the view. I had no idea what creature was it?

"HELLO, LOUIS TOMLINSON!" he had a strong commanding voice.

"WHO THE FOOK IS LOUIS TOMLINSON? I'm LOUIS PAYNE AS PER AS I REMEMBER" I looked around and I was awestruck by the view.

Everyone around me was standing like a statue.No movement at all. I realized that only I and that strange creature are moving. I was so frightened that I decided to run away from this shop and the creature.

I ran out of the shop as fast as I can because I'm scared as hell. I don't know if that creature is following me or not but I just need to run is all that I know.

Seriously, nothing's worse than being outside running in a storm. Being in a storm is so terrifying. The fear of all those lightning bolts darting around is alarming.

Suddenly a flash of lightning hits me.

(I hope you all liked and enjoyed it. Have a great day/afternoon/night xoxo.)

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