"I like him. Isn't that insane? It's insane, right? Did you hear me, Peppermint? I was very bossy. I don't know where that confidence came from...I think...maybe he lit that match for me..." she says to the cat but it just ignores her and continues to rub itself against her leg. She does like Austin and she was feeling things in the store room. But, it can't be real. How can she go from loving Luke one day and then the next having strong feelings for a stranger? No, this must be her mind going crazy. Luke had betrayed her and left her in so much pain that she is clinging onto the first person who has shown her any compassion. She is confused. That's the only logical explanation she can think of.

She stands and packs the rest of her groceries away then starts supper. She is going to make a simple pasta dish. While it's cooking she gets her phone and turns it on. There is a flurry of messages and missed calls. Most from different unknown numbers - all Luke. The messages again range from nasty to sorry, some even begging her to let him come over. She must say she is surprised he has not shown up at her doorstep yet. She thinks she has Austin to thank for that. It's easy to see Luke is weary of Austin. There are also more messages from her mother and her sister. They are all nasty, although one of the messages from her sister says that she is overlooking Indy's selfishness and still letting her be a bridesmaid. Indy does not want to be a bridesmaid. She never did, and she thinks her sister has only kept her as a bridesmaid because she does not have a friend to replace her.

She continues with dinner as random numbers continue to flash on her screen. She is going to have to speak to Luke eventually only to get him to leave her alone. They are done, she can't forgive him for what he has done and she does not feel anything but anger toward him now. But, she won't answer his calls now. She knows she is nowhere near confident enough to stand up against him. He will guilt her into taking him back and will berate her for not moving past what he has done when she battles to forgive him. Austin has no idea how perfect his timing was in her life. Maybe everything does have a reason. He appeared at just the right time and she can't be for thankful for him than right now.

Once dinner is ready she places it in a large bowl and then balances the salad bowl she has made on top of it along with two plates and two knives and forks. She checks the time. 7:05 pm. She is always late, but this is the earliest late she has ever been. She picks up her balancing dinner tower and walks out her kitchen door, down her patio, and across to Austin's patio. She is walking on faith alone because she can't see much. Then she feels Austin's hands on the bowls and she peeps around the side of her tower. "Tardy," he says. "It's worth the wait. I promise," she says with a smile. Austin smiles too.

He sets the plates and bowls down on his patio table while Indy pokes her head under the table. "Hello, Miss Daisy," she says giving a now grunting Miss Daisy a scratch behind her ear. "She likes you," Austin says as she pops out the other side of the table. "I like her too, where did you get her?" she asks sitting down opposite Austin as he starts to dish up.

"My grandmother."

"Bit of an odd pet to get, but she is so cute.

Austin starts laughing gently as he pours each of them a glass of whisky. "My Grandmother never had normal pets. She had a turkey once," he says shaking his head with a fond smile.

"As in a turkey, you would cook for dinner?"

"That's considered blasphemy from where I come from, darlin'. Turkeys ain't for eatin'."

"Really? So you would be offended if I ever cooked turkey?"

"Definitely. Turkeys make the best of friends. Hogs too," he says tapping Miss Daisy with his foot gently. "Her hog had three litters over time and she gave each of her grandchildren a piglet when she felt they were old enough to care for it," Austin says then shoves a fork full of pasta into his mouth. "Mmmm, this is good. You can cook," he says.

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