
Start from the beginning

Zayn knew he had to tell her about Liam first, but
how? And when?

"Anyway, I've picked an outfit for you, I think-"

Zayn coughed when unchewed pasta slipped down his throat.

"Don't worry. It's all black and pretty casual."

Zayn was often thankful that his mother knew him well, except for the times when she picked apart his faults. "Could've let me do it myself" he said, stabbing his cucumber with a fork.

"You have a lot on your mind." The way Solana
laced her fingers and spun her thumbs around was a sign that Zayn bothered her.

Zayn bothered himself. Still, he continued to push people's buttons. "Have you seen Baela today?" he asked.

His mother's dark brows twitched. "No. Why?"

"Next time you do, apologise for spreading
rumours about her."

Solana sighed. "Zayn-"

"No, listen." Zayn leaned forwards. "Baela is not
my mate," he growled. His dark eyes scanned the
tables closest to them. He couldn't tell her his
plans of making Baela his Beta, not with so many open ears.

"Then why are you spending so much time with
her?" his mother challenged.

"Because she's my friend." Zayn didn't expect to
give her such an honest answer. The truth feels

Solana sat back in her chair. "A friend?"

"What? Am I not allowed friends? Oh, wait, I'm not allowed Omega friends? Is that it?"

"I didn't say that, I'm just surprised. You've never
admitted to having a friend before.!"

"I'm not twelve."

"No, you're nineteen, and need people in your
life who you can hang out with and trust." Solana
paused, tightened her jaw, and said, "If Baela is
someone you can trust, then good. You deserve

Zayn pushed his bowl aside. His mother wasn't
as critical as usual. Should I tell her about Liam?
Zayn stared hard enough for his mother to frown.

"Follow me. I have to tell you something" Zayn
walked from the canteen without looking back.
He heard quick footsteps following his long strides.

"Tell me what? Is this about Jaiden?" Solana

"No." Zayn stopped outside the ground floor
meeting room. The dark wood doors had windows, so he could tell if it were empty or not.

"About Baela?"

"No. It's about something else." Zayn lead her
inside the large room. His nerves gnawed at his
heart when he turned to see her watching with
the same curiosity that he saw in Liam every day.
Zayn caught his thoughts before they drifted to the memories of Liam's deep eyes.

Zayn, calm and collected on the surface, leant
against the wall by the window and crossed his
arms. His default glare never altered.

He didn't know where to begin but being blunt
and straight to the point was sometimes useful.
Zayn didn't believe in sugar-coating situations. If
something had to be said or done that would hurt
someone else, he charged full force without a glint of remorse.

Well, until he met Liam.

Zayn cleared his throat and said, "I-"

The door to the meeting room opened, and a
flushed Jaiden entered. His face was red from
fury. Zayn saw the anger in his curled mouth and
clenching fists.

"Alpha, I must speak to you," Jaiden said, his voice laced with bitterness.

Solana stared blankly at the scar-faced man. Her
existence seemed oblivious to him. Solana's days
had been interrupted by Jaiden one time too

"We are busy" she said, coating her words with a greater dollop of hostility.

"Sorry, but what I've got to discuss with the Alpha
can't wait."

Solana turned her back to Jaiden to stare at her

Zayn saw her eye roll, and his eyes gleamed with
mild amusement.

"We can talk tonight, Zayn." Solana left the room
with an irritated stiffness to her steps.

When Zayn and Jaiden were alone, Jaiden pointed a stern finger at his Alpha. "You're getting rid of me," he accused.

Zayn, surprised that Jaiden found out, didn't move a single muscle. "Who told you?"

"You said that I'm not your Beta anymore."

Zayn, with his deep monotone voice, asked again, "Who told you?"

"Does it matter?" Jaiden yelled and gripped the
top of one of the many chairs pushed in around the table. "Do you know how embarrassing it is to hear from other werewolves of the same pack that the Alpha is looking for a new Beta wolf?"

Zayn stopped leaning against the wall. His glare
only deepened, his eyes only darkened. "I spoke to my mother about my concerns. Nobody else. Don't stand there and act like I was talking about you to stir shit."

"It was Baela who told me." Jaiden crossed his
arms and settled his stare a little too confidently.
Zayn froze like a wolf nearing its prey. If he were in his wolf form, his hackles would be up, his claws out, and his teeth bared.

"Baela doesn't know about this." Zayn stepped closer, his eyes mixing between red and brown. Jaiden backed away.

"How dare you lie right to my face," he growled.
Zayn's wrath was not to be provoked.

"Baela is just an Omega. If she's not your mate,
then why the hell are you with her all the time? You don't know that she doesn't spill all your secrets behind your back."

"She doesn't!" Zayn yelled, leaping forwards
and watching with satisfaction as Jaiden almost
tripped, trying to scurry away.

"Lying like this will get you kicked out of the pack, I hope you know that." Zayn's hands were tight fists of raging resentment. He stalked forward, and Jaiden pinned his back to the wall.

Zayn didn't know what his father saw in Jordan.
Maybe he felt compelled to keep him as Beta
because Jaiden almost lost his life to save Zayn's
father. Jaiden had three thick scars on his face to
prove his loyalty.

"You think she doesn't spill your secrets?" Jaiden
dared to speak, even with his Alpha glaring coldly, ready to burst at any moment.

"Baela is loyal to her Alpha, unlike you, a pathetic excuse for a Beta." Zayn didn't like to be challenged. He wouldn't allow anyone to bad-mouth his friend, either.

"Oh yeah?" Jaiden sneered, puffing out his chest
and squaring up to his callous Alpha. Jaiden's evil
smirk bent out of shape as he said, "Then how do I know about your little Liam Payne?"

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