Chapter 25: Bruce Dalton

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June swings open the front door of her childhood house looking like pure beauty.

"What the fuck, June Charlie Emerson!?"

I storm past her into the entryway, waving hello at her parents whom I've met many times in my life. They wave back before leaving the two of us alone and stepping out in their backyard.

"You fucking left me. After everything, you left me and thought you could get away without saying goodbye. You're such a fucking dumbass. I love you more than anything in this world. I show you that I love you more than anything, and you fucking get up and leave like what we have is nothing."

I'm crying now, tears streaming down my cheeks, but I'm also fuming. And I have every fucking right to be. God, when I knocked on her door and she didn't answer, not even after two knocks, I thought she was fucking dead. I kept thinking of every terrible scenario that I possibly could have.

My fingers were shaking so much that it took me five tries to unlock the door. She hadn't cleared out her place, and it wasn't rummaged through, but I knew something was off. I fucking knew she wasn't there. It was like a coldness had settled over the place.

Fuck, I seriously thought she was hurt. It was as if my worst nightmare was coming to life.

My feelings changed when I read through her note. I ended up being more furious than I thought I ever could be. I wasn't furious that she needed to think things over. I found that, and I still find it, completely understandable because of the circumstances in which we've found ourselves falling in love.

If it were me, I would have needed some time to think it over too. What I found infuriating is that she didn't fucking talk to me. We've built our relationship on open communication.

I swear to fuck that talking about our feelings is about eighty percent of what we do, and I fucking love that. But when she needed help, she didn't come fucking talk to me.

That's so fucked up of her. I knew that she was feeling overwhelmed because of the changes that we've had, that she's had, in her life the past few days, but she didn't come to me about it. She didn't share what she was thinking and then fucking hopped on a plane back to her parents.

What the fuck is that all about? I've been here for her from day one. It's just so dumb that she thought that talking to me would be a bad thing like I can't know her inner thoughts. And she's been much more open and vulnerable with me lately, but there's still so much for me to know, things she hasn't shared.

I'm sure she's gone through some shit during her time traveling, and I want to know about those things. I want to know everything about her.

I'm fucking obsessed with her. Why can't she see that? Why can't she realize that I care about everything she thinks and says? I don't get it. I don't get why she has to be scared to talk to me. It's not like I would ever judge her. She knows that.

We've known each other long enough for her to know that. I want to be here for her; I want to support her, and she's got to make it so damn complicated.

"I don't get it, June. We have known each other for over two decades, and you still can't talk to me. You have never been a burden to me. I want to know everything about you. I've been clear about that, but it's like you don't understand how much I care."

"I know, I know. I know I can talk to you about things, but I know I can solve it myself. There have been a lot of changes, and I was trying to figure out how to handle that and what'll change when we are officially together," she admits, tilting her head so her eyes are looking down to the floor.

I use my pointer finger to raise her head, locking my eyes with hers.

"You can't run away from me every time you're figuring shit out. And you don't have to solve anything alone. I am here for you. I want to be here for you. You need to let me because you can't do everything alone. You are more than capable, but you don't need to anymore."

She nods her head, stepping into my arms and letting me hold her. I cradle the back of her head as she falls into my arms. I bury my nose into her neck, and we stand there in silence, holding each other tight. Fuck, this is all she had to do. This is all I've ever wanted. To support the strong woman that she is.

"I love you, Bruce," she mumbles into my chest.

I've waited so fucking long to hear her say that.

I don't waste another second, landing my lips on June's soft ones. I move my hands down her body, holding her hips, pressing my body against hers. The kiss between us deepens as I lean down further to get closer to her. June shivers as my hand moves up her back, pushing her into me. Her touch sends electricity over my body.

Each action is instinct, every movement of our lips is natural. Her arms move around my neck loosely (which I absolutely adore). She gently tugs me down to her, my height towering over her. I know she likes to rest her feet on the ground, so I comply with her movement. With one hand on June's hip, I reach down to cup her butt. Fuck, she feels so good.

I give it a firm squeeze, sending arousal all throughout my body. Our breaths mingle, our chests moving in sync. We break away before either of us wants to, but our lungs are burning for air. I tuck a piece of her perfect hair behind her ear and read her eyes.

I know she loves me, I can tell. Although she said it out loud, I knew before, and I will know for every moment afterward. I'm more of the hopeless romantic between the two of us, but I like it that way. I get to show June the unconditional love she deserves to have.

It's so cliché, but it's so beautifully perfect. I wouldn't change this for anything, for anyone. I know what I want, and it's her. It'll always be. Nothing will stop me from loving her in the way that she deserves. A soft, kind love.

We stand together for another minute, both of us catching our breaths.

"I'm sorry that I have a hard time allowing you to support me. It's going to take time for me to realize I can ask you for help," she speaks gently, running a thumb over my cheek.

"That's okay, ladybug. I'll be here regardless. I only want to support you because I love you."

I take her back into my arms, kissing the top of her head.

"You're coming back to Westmoor with me, right?" I ask, needing to know directly from her even though I think I already know the answer.

"Yes, of course, and I'm staying there. With you. For as long as you'll have me, my love," June muses.

I press a soft kiss to her lips, keeping an arm wrapped around her waist.

"Your parents are probably confused as all hell," I announce, getting her to crack a smile.

"Probably," she chuckles, leaning her head on my bicep, "we should catch them up."

We step outside in their backyard, and they eye the two of us as if they were expecting it all along."

"Well fucking finally," Jason says, slapping me on the arm and pushing June aside to hug me.

I've always loved this man.

"Hello, Bruce, how have you been?" Leah asks me while hugging me without the firm slap to my back that is Jason's signature move.

"I've been good. Just chasing after your daughter."

"Ah," Leah exclaims, turning to a blushing June, "I see. Y'all are too cute."

"I know though. Tell 'em, Leah. I told her years ago that you two were endgame."

"Dad, stop," June complains jokingly.

"No way am I ever going to stop. When's the wedding?" he teases back with a smile.

"Soon," I reply, joining in on the fun and wanting to see June's pink blush darken, which it does.

We end up heading back inside, catching up and chatting about what her parents have been up to. I'm so fucking glad that I've already impressed them earlier on because now, I don't have to worry too much about what they think. My first impressions were already good twenty years ago.

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