Chapter 22: Bruce Dalton

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"After I took you home that night, I had Slasher and Reaper who were both closest to where we were come pick his body up. From what they told, they checked his pulse to make sure he was dead, which he was, and then loaded him into the backseat of own of our Devil's Rose MC cars. They broke into a crematorium and well, cremated him.

"A day later, we asked the police if any missing report had been filed for him. No surprise that no one had. And we said that we knew where he was. He moved back home with his family to Huntington Beach in case anyone did."

"And that was that?"

"Yep. No one has questioned it. He didn't have many people looking out for him."

Not that we should care.

"It's kind of sad. Living a life where no one cares that much about you."

"He was a fucking dickhead, June. There's nothing to feel bad about."

"Not specifically about him but in general. Some people don't have anyone and that makes me sad."
I brush my hand over her soft waist, laying a comforting hand on her back.

"But I'll always be here for you. No matter what. I promise."

My hands hold the sides of her face. Her lips are soft but firm against my own. As if she's afraid that I'm not real and she wants to make sure it's not a dream. Oh god, she tastes so good. Desire runs through me, my fingers running through her hair.

I have never felt anything so extremely wonderful that I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. This is something completely out of this world. How is she real? How could she possibly be mine? How is it so addictive?

I groan in her mouth as I deepen the kiss. With my hand not gripping her hair, I squeeze her waist. It takes her by surprise, gasping just enough for her lips to part. My tongue enters her mouth and touches her own, a bolt of what feels like lightning runs through me. Why the hell did I wait so long to do this? And how am I ever going to stop?

Our lips move perfectly in sync, her taste lingers as we break apart to take a breath of desperately needing oxygen. June's chest heaves seductively and pride fills my chest. I'm the one that made her so breathless. I'm the one her lips are touching.

There's nothing better than that. As she continues to try and catch her breath, I kiss lightly down her neck, wanting to taste her skin without reservations.

She traces the tattoos spreading along my chest as her head rests on my shoulder. My lips kiss at her head, her temple, her shoulder, her neck. Her fingers play with mine as we sit in silence, snuggling with each other, the gray blanket still completely on top of us.

She slips one of my t-shirts over her head, dipping her head down to try and subtly sniff it. She yawns sweetly, cozying up closer to me. I rub soft circles on her stomach as she falls asleep in my arms, catching up on what we lost last night.

I press a kiss to her forehead and watch her breathing even out. Well, that didn't take long for her to fall asleep. I reach behind me slowly, placing The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho into my lap. It continues to be one of my favorites even though I've read it about twenty to thirty times by now.

I wrap my arms around June, hugging her to me. I read my book as she naps on my lap. What a dream come true.

We lay together for an hour before she comes back to the land of the living. She groans, rubbing her eyes tiredly. I place a soft kiss on her forehead, not being able to help myself as she blinks her brown eyes up at me.

"Hi. Did you get the sleep you needed?"

"Yeah, I did. I'm so glad I quit my job because I would've had to be up at six a.m. today. And fuck that."

She stretches her arms above her head, groaning as she does a whole-body stretch.

I love her so much.

"I'm going to go take a shower if that's okay," she announces, rolling out of the covers.

She's getting antsy, and it's so fucking adorable. Although she says she doesn't like to get up early in the morning, I don't think anyone does, it's the only way she can live. I could stay in bed all fucking day and not feel the least bit restless.

June is not like that at all. She is one of those people who wakes up and gets out of bed immediately. Today was different because we didn't get a lot of sleep last night, waking up in the middle of the night for another couple of rounds, but when she was ready to get out of bed this morning, she got out of bed.

She's ready for her day to begin. I don't even know what she's going to do with her day, but she's ready for whatever comes. She's fully prepared to just go for it.

I decide not to join her in the shower, and instead, make her some breakfast so she can eat while I get ready for my day of work. I probably should have already been there at seven this morning, and it's already nine, so I'll be getting there at ten, but I don't think Alpha's going to mind.

I only have paperwork to do today, and he's not joking about that. We went through our inventory of weapons, cars, whatever we own and now I have to be the one to organize all of it. We all take turns rotating the job, so it's not like I'm doing it all the time, it's just that it can be a bit repetitive.

And doing the same thing over and over again is not usually my strong suit.

I hear the sound of June's bare feet on the hardwood floors of my home as she comes downstairs to the array of foods I have lined up for her. She kisses me on the cheek and says thank you before digging in. I head back upstairs to have a shower of my own, smiling when I see her clothes lying sprawled on my bedroom floor.

She seems calmer now about the changes in her life. Right when we woke up, I could tell there was a shit ton running through her mind, and that's completely understandable. I think I even have some whiplash myself.

Changes, both good and bad, all cause a little bit of anxiety. As far as our next steps, I'm not so sure what they are myself. Becoming official means Old Lady status for June. While I've explained it and tried to ease some of her anxiety, I'm sure there's a part of her that doesn't feel prepared or ready for that. It would be an entirely new life for her.

The Devil's Rose MC has made changes to tradition, but even then, being in an MC relationship can be intense. She's used to intense, making sure she's safe in foreign countries types of intense, but this is different than what she's used to.

I can understand why that would be anxiety-inducing. We both have a lot to learn about what it's like to be in an MC relationship. I'm willing to learn, and I want her to be the person that I learn those lessons with. There's no one else for me to go through that journey with.

But I can't say that I'm convinced June's all in for that. I know that she loves me, but she has to decide for herself if this is the life that she wants. She would break my fucking heart into a billion pieces if she decided that this life wasn't for her, but all I want is for her to be happy.

That's all I've ever wanted.

Being with her means the world to me, but her happiness means more. I won't be the person that holds her back from what she wants.

I probably would go chasing after her to get some answers, and I would try to convince her that we could work it out because I wouldn't be able to help myself, but if she told me to leave, I would leave.

I will fight for her as long as she wants me to fight for her. I love her more than anything in the world. And I would let her go if that's what she truly wanted. Although, I will wait for her. I will always wait for her.

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