Chapter 3: June Emerson

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Once again, Westin doesn't pick up the phone. Westin fucking James. That motherfucker. I know he's at work, he's on his break though because even doctors have breaks. So, he should be picking up.

I'm a working girl. I work all day at this stupid ass restaurant in the city because it's the only dipshit place that would hire me. I chased Westin, and I regret it. I know I shouldn't have, but when you're young and in love, everything seems like a good idea. 

We were perfect coming out of college. He was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I thought that I had to sacrifice my job at some point to support the family and dreams we always wanted. 

Nothing against my mom, because she ended up fully enjoying being a stay-at-home mom which is a fucking job all in itself, but I gradually saw her sacrifice the dreams she had for a family. I thought that was what women were supposed to do. 

That's been reinforced, especially by Westin, but the thing is, at least my mom got married and had a family.

Westin, even after six fucking years, doesn't want to propose to me. He doesn't want to move in with me. He can't even pick up the phone when he knows I'm walking home to my apartment by myself in the middle of the night in a kind of dangerous neighborhood. 

But after giving up so much to be with him, I can't quit this too. The sacrifices I made can't be for nothing.

I'd rather just have it all figured out already.

"Yo, girl!"

I knew there was someone behind me. That's the reason I was calling Westin in the first place. I keep walking though. I'm not even going to acknowledge that there was someone there. I don't know if that's the best move, but it's the only one I've got right now. I'm not going to make any sudden moves, and I'm not going to acknowledge any of that random guy's bullshit.

"I'm talkin' to you!"

Yeah, I know, fucker. That's not a way to get my attention though.

"Look, I know you! You're Westin's girl!"

Oh, that voice does sound familiar.

I have my own fucking name too.

"It's Rex Kelt."

Westin's friend. We've met before. Why was he talking to me that way then? He's like Westin's best friend. We've hung out a million times. Sometimes I think men, even men that a woman knows, purposefully try to freak us out because they find it funny. 

They find the shocked and scared look on our faces as a prize. They freak us out because they can. Because it gives them power and control without having to do anything illegal, like physically hurting that woman. That's just my read on the situation. 

Like, why the fuck can't he just speak to me without yelling at me. Or text me (because Rex certainly has my number), and be like, "Hey, just so you know, I think I'm walking behind you. Didn't want to freak you out. I can walk you home if you want." It's that fucking easy. Instead, he yells at me and can't even call me by my name.

I turn around and see that it certainly is Rex. I wonder what he's doing. And why is he walking down this way? I never know what Westin's friends are up to. There's no real reason for me to hang out with them, clearly. It's not like I even want to. Since I find them to be all a little misogynist.

"Hi, Rex. Sorry, I didn't answer you before. Just didn't know it was you."

"Figured. Just got off work?"

"Yep, heading home for the night. Where are you headed?"

"Saw you when I was walking out of a bar. I thought I would walk with you. Never know what could happen at night."

He doesn't have to fucking tell me that.

"Right," I say with a confused laugh.

"Is Westin waiting for you at home?"

"Uh, no. He has a late night at the hospital."

"Want me to walk you home?"

That's the best thing he's ever said to me.

"Yeah, that would be great."

He flashes me a smile before we begin heading off in the direction I was headed at first. The first five minutes of the walk, he's chill. He asks me good questions about work and how I like Texas and questions that I want to answer. 

And now, as we get closer to my apartment, he keeps trying to ask me about who's waiting for me. I don't know why he's so curious. I haven't responded directly, I'm just avoiding the question, but I'm not so sure I like the situation I'm in right now.

"Hey, uh, Rex. I'm going to make a quick phone call if that's alright."

He says yes, but I'm not entirely convinced.

I know Westin isn't going to pick up. For a good reason or not.

I hear the phone ringing for a second before Bruce picks up the phone. Relief fills my chest.

"June," I've always loved the way he says my name. It's comforting, "How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm good. I was wondering, could you meet me at my apartment in like five minutes? I have something I wanted to tell you in person."

He'll come, no questions asked.

"Are you near your apartment?"

"Five minutes away on Willow, heading into the city."

"Okay, I got you. I'll be there in two minutes. Stay on the phone for me."

He fucking knows something is wrong. If Bruce knows, Rex knows.

I turn to see Rex absolutely fuming.

"You think you can do this to me, bitch. I have fucking watched you grind so fucking well, and I want you to myself now."

"Rex, no, please. I don't want this, okay? Westin would hate you if you tried something."

"I don't give a fuck about Westin. You're gonna get it now."

He slams the phone out of my hand, and I don't have the chance to see it shattered on the ground before Rex pulls me into an alleyway. I beg Rex to stop, but he yanks my dress over my hips.

"You fucking asked for it. You look so fucking good all the time, smelling so nice. You're a walking temptation, don't fucking think you aren't doing this for me."

"Don't do this. Think of your friendship with Westin. It's over if you do this. I won't tell him if you stop now, I promise. Please, Rex, please."

"Keep beggin', bitch. It's not gonna fucking stop me."

"Yeah, that might not, but I fucking will."

I hear the cock of Bruce's gun, and I can't help but begin to cry.

"Hands off of her or I kill you."

I can barely see the muzzle of the gun pressed against Rex's head with the tears gathering in my eyes, but I know I'm not alone anymore. Bruce is going to take care of me. I slide down the side of the building and cradle myself on the cold pavement. I'm both numb and wide awake. They're exchanging words, but I'm not getting anything from it. 

My whole world is muffled, and I can barely get in a breath. It's too fucking hot out here. My thighs hurt for some reason. I can't think. I think I'm full-on crying now, but I can't feel the tears on my face. I hold myself as if I'm trying to keep myself together, and I rock slowly like my mother used to do with me when I was upset as a child. 

I don't know what's going on around me, but I know that I don't have to. I don't have to deal with this anymore. Bruce is here, and he's going to get me out of this situation. He's not going to let Rex touch me. I don't have to fight anymore.

I hear the pop of the gun as it goes off. And it's like I know that Rex is dead in front of me because my adrenaline fails me. I'm not sure what happens next. I just know that my world turns to nothing.

Vegas: Devil's Rose #9Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon