Chapter 11!

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Minatozaki Sana was woken up by the loud sudden cries of a baby. Her still sleepy eyes focused themselves on her dark room. The window was still not showing any light entering the room meaning that the sun hasn't risen up.

She then focused back at her newfound task at hand. Haru kept on crying and wailing louder beside her. It was certainly not the first time that the baby was like this.

There was a night where he cried for milk, another where he needed a diaper change and one night where Haru just simply needed comfort.

Sana hastily threw her legs off the side of her bed and stood up. She leaned towards the bed before sliding her hand behind the baby's back.

Haru was wrapped around in a small blanket to not let him move while the both of them slept so she was fortunate enough for his body not to flail and wriggle around in her arms.


Sana slowly swayed her arms while softly hushing the baby. Haru's cries slightly got softer yet he wasn't calm in the slightest. The woman ticked off comforting the baby off her ways to make him quiet. He didn't seem to need a change of diaper so that's off now too.

With no other idea, Sana walked to her door. She opened it using her free arm before walking out into the living room then making her way to the kitchen to make a bottle of warm milk for the little Haru.

She reached her free hand out towards his little bottle then towards the powdered milk. Sana struggled as she was only able to use one of her arms while the other carried the baby but she had to make due with what she could use.




Sana plopped herself down on the couch. She quickly shook the bottle in one hand while the other still held onto Haru but she managed to quiet down his crying to only sniffles, which was a relief.

After she was done shaking the bottle, she lowered her hand towards the baby and fed him. As Haru was busy with the bottle feeding him his milk, Sana reached over to the remote beside her. She turned on the TV as now she had no ounce of sleepiness within her. Only the dim light from the TV and the light from the kitchen provided her with vision with the living room lights off.

She dialled down the volume and scrolled through the channels, eventually stopping on a channel playing late night telenovelas. Her eyes were focused on the screen in front of her, not noticing a figure emerging from the other end of the house.

"What are you doing up this late, Sana?" A deep voice asked.

Sana snapped her head towards the side of the living room where a wide awake (YN) stared back at her. He didn't seem to just wake up from his slumber rather it was as if he still hasn't slept.

"Haru woke up crying, I'm just giving him milk. Now what are you doing this late?" Sana returned the question.

"I can't sleep...and I'm thirsty." (YN) mumbled back before making his way to the kitchen to get himself a refreshing cup of water.

"Maybe you can't sleep because you slept through the afternoon?" Sana suggested as she softly smiled at the man.

"Yeah, that makes sense." (YN) replied, placing the cup down onto the sink. He took his steps back towards the couch where Sana was. His head turned towards the TV then back at her.

"Are you going to sleep after you feed him?"

Sana simply shook her head at the question.

"No, not for a while at least. This little guy drove all of my willingness to sleep at the moment." She replied, keeping the small smile on her lips.

Baby ProblemsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя