Chapter 1!

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(YN) slowly opened his eyes to meet the white ceiling of his dark bedroom. His hearing immediately picked up the sound of knocking, not coming from the door to the bedroom but the front door to his apartment.


He didn't want to leave the comfort of his soft and comfortable bed but the knocks just kept on coming. Whoever it was really needed them to open up.

If it was his housemate, she would have called him to open the door he always locks but it couldn't be her.

(YN) saw her come home from spending time with some of her friends on her day off earlier plus she had her own key that she forgets to bring from time to time.

(YN) turned to his side and faced the side of the room and the bedside table. He squinted his eyes to look at the digital alarm clock on the said table.


The clock blinked out.

(YN) turned back around to face the other side of the bed. He looked through the glass window with the rail slid upwards.

He looked at the silhouette of the many buildings of Seoul outside his window. Lights were still on some of the rooms and inside the different offices of the taller buildings.

It was hard to believe that people were still working at this time of night. His eyes adjusted to the night sky above. He looked at the crescent moon and the glitters scattered across the dark canvas that were the stars.

A cold breeze blew into the room making the window curtains gracefully dance in the moonlight.

He struggled to wrap his head around the idea of having to go to work in the morning, he would have much preferred to stay at home.


His short peace was suddenly interrupted by the loud knocking coming from the apartment's front door. (YN) sighed into the cold night's air.

If his roommate was awake then she would've answered the door by now but knowing her habit of sleeping, he assumed she hasn't even woken up by the loud knocking.


(YN) reached the blanket that covered his lower half and pulled it off. He still felt sleepy as he pushed himself to sit on the side of the bed. Putting on some slippers, he slowly stood up and stumbled slowly to the bedroom door.

He opened the door and walked out a short corridor that led to the apartment's living room. (YN) looked for the light while walking in the dark.

His hand landed on a switch and flicked it up. The light from the living room lit up to reveal the couch in the place in front of the wall, facing the large flat screen TV that the two tenants shared.

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