Chapter 6!

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(YN) slowly made his way on the sidewalks of the metropolis that was the city of Seoul. He looked up at the sky as the sun began to set. Different shades of blue and gold mixed into the perfect evening sunset.

The accountant looked at the street that lined up the sidewalk. The streetlights suddenly flickered themselves to life. The sounds of cars whizzing and driving by contributed more to the city's lively atmosphere.

The cold evening wind slowly engulfed him and the rest of the city, night was approaching and the temperature began to drop.

(YN) passed through many shops as he made his way home. At one moment, he inhaled the scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries as he passed by a cafe.

Then the next moment he breathed in, he caught the aroma of freshly cooked food when he passed by restaurants.

His calm stroll through the city relieved his head off the stresses that was present at his job. Looking at and calculating finances for hours a day could make even the sanest peple break once or twice.

His calmness was suddenly disturbed as he remembered what was to receive him when he gets home. From what Sana said through their messages earlier in the day, the baby was energetic, talkative and loud. It was everything he was not. He wondered how Sana dealt with the little kid so far.

A familiar shop soon came into his view while continuing his walking. A sign hung from it's entrance saying the name of the shop. With each step nearing the establishment, he could finally see the letters that made the shop's name.

'EverCrust' The sign read.

Upon reading the name, he realized why the shop was so familiar. He remembered Sana bringing home many different pastries even though there wasn't any occasion.

(YN) then remembered her saying that she loved their egg tarts and macarons since no other shop made it as the same way they did. When Sana let him get a taste of the pastries, he couldn't deny that they were good.

His steps stopped in front of the window of the establishment. He turned his head to face the window where different kinds of pastries were displayed.

They differed in their sizes and colors, some were as colorful as a rainbow while some were only restricted to a golden brown color.

He looked at the corner of the window and saw the egg tarts and macarons his housemate loved.

'Should I buy her some?..' The man calmy thought.

Thinking more about Sana and her pastries, it has been a while since he last saw her come home with boxes of them in her hands. Maybe she hasn't gotten around to visiting the shop since her workload doubled, tripled even, prior to the baby's arrival.

There were times where she would work from night til day and then her next shift was from the day til night, he couldn't even imagine the stress and tiredness from being a nurse that a couple days off couldn't fix.

Nothing but his newly found eagerness to help his housemate ease the exhaustion from her job, he walked into the store.


His sense of smell was immediately welcomed by the scent of freshly baked pastries mixed in with the delightful smell of bread, butter, sugar and vanilla. His ears on the otherhand picked up the soft sound of jazz playing.

"Good evening, sir! How can we help you?" (YN) turned his attention to the counter where an employee greeted him. He softly greeted them back, it was soft enough that they could barely hear it.

He looked around the shop where other people were picking out their own pastries. He approached the counter while the employee looked at him.

"Excuse me but do you have a fresh batch of egg tarts by chance?" (YN) asked.

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