Chapter 4!

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(YN)'s eyes opened to the sight of his blank white ceiling. The alarm clock on the table was blaring loud, ear piercing alarms meaning it was time to wake up. A dim light shined through his bedroom window from the light outside, it provided some light to his dark room.

He turned to the clock beside him.


The clock flashed back at him.

The man took off the blanket on his lower half and sat up on the side of his bed. He wore his slippers once more and walked to the side of the room where he grabbed his towel.

Exiting his room, he noticed that the apartment was silent. No signs of life or light that Sana usually brought. She was still asleep so he enjoyed the silence for a bit. She must have done a good job with the infant as he didn't wake up to any cries during the night.

(YN) stepped into the bathroom to take a quick shower. The shower was hot and relaxing but it was unfortunate that he had to get out.

He then arranged his clothes for work in his room. He wore business attire just like everyone in his office. (YN) wished he didn't had to go to work today but according to his boss/supervisor, there was something important in store for him.

The man stared at the reflection in the mirror as he buttoned up a white polo with the bottom half tucked in.

On the otherside of the apartment, (YN)'s housemate woke up. She looked to her side and saw the infant laying there, sleeping soundly. She made sure to move carefully out of the bed to not disturb the little kid.

Sana walked out of her room and into the silent living room. Despite the room having no signs of life, her senses told her that her accountant housemate was already up.

She walked into their kitchen. Sana approached the coffee maker present on the counter and started brewing a cup for herself.

As she grabbed a mug for herself , she noticed an empty black mug with a spoon nearby the sink. She could smell the stench of the dark bitter coffee her housemate always drank.

The woman heard the room from the other side of hers close with a thud. She looked at the corridor when (YN) walked out. He was already fully in his business attire and had a messenger's bag on his shoulder.

The pair locked eyes while Sana waited for her coffee to brew.

"Good Morning." (YN) said lowly. He glanced at her arms then around the room, there was no sign of the baby.

"Is it...still sleeping?" He continued.

"Mhm and Good Morning to you too, (YN). Heading off to work now?" Sana asked softly.

"Yeah, they told me to come in today. Wait don't you have a shift today too?" (YN) wondered as he walked closer to the kitchen.

"Ah don't worry about it. I can call Mina or Momo to cover my shift today but in return I will have to cover theirs when they want to." Sana explained.

She turned back around to the coffee maker and poured it in her own purple mug. Grabbing a pack of creamer and sugar from the cupboard she began mixing the coffee.

"I see, I'll be leaving now then. Take care." He politely bid farewell to his housemate until he reached for the doorknob.

"Yah Choi (YN)!" Sana called from his behind.

He turned back around and saw her holding out something for him. It was an umbrella. He glanced between the item and the woman that held it.

"Don't forget it. There's a chance for rain today and having it with you is way better than running in the rain." She explained carefully, her voice filled with concern.

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