Chapter 9!

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(YN) heard the elevator in front of him slide open. He opened his eyes and faced the open doors. Instead of the hallway to his apartment, he looked at the hallway that led to his office space.

He stepped out and immediately felt that it was hot inside the office. They don't leave the air conditioning on overnight and even though it was rainy outside, the place was still burning up.

The whole office was silent too. It seemed like no soul was around. The lights were still off and it was pitch silent all around. He stretched his arm out making the sleeve slide back.

"I'm not too early...where is everyone?" He mumbled, taking a look at his watch.

He walked to the cubicle areas. Taking a look around the room, he saw no one. Not one sign of life and not one sign that anyone was there. (YN) shrugged it off, maybe all of them they were just running late.

The man approached his table. With one motion, he took off his bag that hung over his shoulder and placed it on his seat. He opened his bag then grabbed onto his recordbooks when he heard sounds coming from the corner of the office.

*Click! Clack! Click!*

The sounds of heels walking on the floor tiles echoed throughout the empty office. (YN) turned to the source of the sounds at the corridor that led to the elevators.

A woman walked in and she looked just as clueless as he was when he first arrived. She held onto the white purse on her shoulder as she looked around the office. She then locked eyes with the other person in the room.

"Good morning, Mr. Choi." The woman immediately bowed.

"Good morning to you too, Tzuyu-ssi." (YN) replied. He realized what she called him but he let it slide, at least for this time. His intern walked closer to his cubicle, still looking at the empty cubicles around them.

"Where is everyone else?" Tzuyu asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. The others will arrive here sooner or later so there's no need to worry about that.." (YN) took in a heave of breath, looking around the room.

"..Anyways, I appreciate you coming to work on time. It shows that you have some passion for one of the most boring jobs in the world, as some people would say." (YN) then commented on his intern.

"Thank you, sir but I don't think it's the most boring job in the world. I actually find it quite...fulfilling?" Tzuyu replied, turning her head slightly to the side with a small smile.

"How is it fulfilling?"

"I don't really know but there is about calculating and managing my own finances that gives me the feeling of having a grip on life.." (YN)'s intern explained proudly.

"..I also find joy in finding cheaper options rather than something costly that does the same thing." Tzuyu now shyly continued, raising one of her fingers to scratch the side of her cheek.

(YN) was impressed if it wasn't obvious through his raised brows and wide eyed expression. He wasn't expecting her to have this kind of view on his line of work. He could even say that they had the same thoughts about being an accountant.

He nodded along to Tzuyu's words before she discreetly took a step closer to him.

"Sir, can I ask you a question?" She asked, clutching her bag and leaning slightly forward.

"Go ahead, Ms.Chou." (YN) replied.

"Why did you choose to be an accountant?"

(YN)'s gaze shifter to a side, gathering his thoughts to answer his intern. It wasn't his first time answering the question. He answered it many times before from when he first applied to be an intern and another time from his own supervisor.

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