Chapter 8!

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(YN)'s eyes fluttered open to once again meet the white blank ceiling of his room. His eyes still wanted more sleep but his mind denied them from closing. He still had to go to work after all. He softly groaned and rolled to his side, facing the edge of the bed.

He pushed himself to sit up. With a yawn, he stood up from his bed and wore his slippers that stayed on the floor. He stretched his arms forward and backwards before doing more stretches before the man slowly approached the door and opened it.

Walking out of the corridor to his room, he took note of the silent living room once more. Sana wasn't awake yet. He made his way over to the kitchen to make himself his daily cup of coffee.

(YN) opened the cupboards and grabbed his coffee bag. He went on to grab his mug before scooping the coffee out of its bag or, at least he tried to. He scooped up nothing but air from the bag.

"Oh, it's empty." He grumbled lowly.

He opened the cupboard, hoping to find more bags of his coffee but he found none. His coffee was completely out but his housemate was not. On the other side of the cupboard were Sana's coffee bags.

The two didn't share their caffeinated beverage as despite them getting along with their opposite personalities, they still had preferences.

He liked his coffee bitter and dark, it was his way of waking himself in the morning. Sana, on the other hand, liked her coffee sweet and creamy but still with the kick of caffeine.

Closing the cupboard, (YN) made the mental note of buying some after work.

(YN) sighed before he looked around the quiet apartment. Other than the light coming from the kitchen, the dim light coming from the living room window was the only other source.

He walked towards the living room then approached the curtains. He moved the curtains to the side slightly. It revealed another view of the city from the apartment.

A cloudy and rainy sky was spread across the city instead of an orange and sunny sunrise. Water droplets scattered all around the window indicating that it rained throughout the night.

It was the perfect morning to just sit down and read a good book with a hot cup of coffee. He even argued that it was the perfect morning to go back to sleep but unfortunately he needed to go work. For now, he enjoyed the cold and calm morning for as long as he could.


His brows suddenly sank deeper into his face. The calmness of the apartment was replaced by the wails of the crying child inside of Sana's room.

The door to her room slowly creaked open. The wails got louder as a still sleepy Sana walked out with Haru in her arms.

The man turned his head to his housemate. Her eyes were still squinted as if they wanted more sleep and her arms were rocking themselves slightly to hush the crying infant in her arms.

She walked to the kitchen but she didn't realize her housemate followed her there.

The sound of a baby's cries wasn't the ideal thing to wake up to and it truly looked like it. As he got closer, (YN) heard Sana mumble some words to the infant.

Sana locked eyes with (YN)'s blank stare looking at her.

"Is anything wrong with him?" He asked lowly.

"No, he's just hungry, again." Sana replied before she pointed to the dish rack. "Could you hand me his bottle? I'll make him some milk." Sana ordered.

(YN) turned to his side and found the baby's bottle beside Sana's mug on the dish rack. He gave it to her and watched as Sana made milk for the baby with one hand while the other held on the still crying infant.

Baby ProblemsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang