Chapter 23 - Camelot

Start from the beginning

"Of course." Merlin then diverted her attention to Gowther. "Gowther, you know what you need to do."

"I understand." He slowly stood up, walking toward Guila and Zeal, who were leaned up against a wall. He crouched down, putting his finger toward both of their heads as a pink light entered them. Guila woke with a start, looking toward the man who erased her memories. "Why did you alter my memories?"

"I meant you no harm."

She looked to her side, seeing her brother who was also slowly waking up. "Zeal!" She enveloped her brother in a hug as he started crying. "Please, I hope that you'll forgive me. I can't believe how awful I was to you." Gowther stood up, standing next to Meliodas.

"But I meant you no harm!" Gowther stated again, as Meliodas hit him in the back of his head. "I apologize. If I had one, I'd say I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. I never should have attempted manipulating your mind. Trying to discover what love was, I betrayed your trust in me."

"No. The truth is, I don't have any right to blame you for this." Gowther looked confused from this statement. "Because of my own weaknesses...I've made some mistakes in my life that I know can never be undone. Though I didn't deserve it, and though they were false memories, you still tried to rescue me. Besides, they weren't all made up. You showed me some real ones, too. Like the memories of my gentle father, Dale, the Holy Knight." She stood up, holding onto Zeal's hand. "Gowther, I want to thank you for giving those back to me. Goodbye." The two siblings walked, hand in hand, back to their home, leaving the Sins.

"So, what's all the commotion about?" A voice asked.

"Slader of the Roars of Dawn." Merlin said. "Perfect timing. I have a rather urgent favor to ask of you."

"The only orders that guy takes are ones from the king himself." Noted Meliodas.

"Your every wish is my command." Slader kneeled down in front of her.

Meliodas creeped beside Slader, whispering into his ear, "Hey, Slader, what is this? Does Merlin have some kind of dirt on you?"

"Don't be absurd. That dazzling display she put on, breaching an impenetrable barrier with such flair to rescue the king, it gave me goosebumps! Please, allow me to call you Big Sister."

"Call me what you will." Merlin told him.

"Then, what is it you'd like me to do, Big Sister?"

"Gowther, come here." Merlin called him as he obeyed, walking toward her. "Absolute Cancel." Those words emitted a bright light from her hand as it affected Gowther greatly. All that was left were the clothes that Gowther was previously wearing and Gowther in a doll form. Merlin crouched down, picking up the doll. "The magical power used on him is incredibly effective. He's back to his original form, but it's only temporary."

You looked confused and shocked at the same time. 'Original form? But he looks like a doll.'

As if by reading your mind, Slader spoke the exact same question. "His original form? I don't understand. It looks like he's a..."
"Right. A great magician created Gowther many years ago. He's a doll. Slade, I'm going to need you to look after him while we're away on a mission. All right?" She handed him to Slader who carefully took him.

At the Tavern

"Oh. I can't believe Gowther is really a little doll." Hawk spoke, looking at the doll that was sitting on the bar. "I guess this world is full of some pretty strange things, isn't it? Right, Y/N?"

You were sitting at a table with Elizabeth, staring at the doll, trying to figure out how someone could make a doll into a living person. 'Is that why he said human emotions were hard to understand...because he wasn't a human himself. And when he said 'if I had heart'...he doesn't have one? I wonder if he ever had one.'

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