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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Emma is at college and when she meets the new art student, they fully begin to try know one another when Emma is practicing her figure skating, preparing for a competition only to be interrupted by a certain art student who is becoming more and more in love with her.

I literally started writing this at 2:32am (4th of Nov) and just finished at 4:30am LMAO



Emma's POV:

I sigh, sitting in art class wanting to escape this hell-hole. I suck at art, I want to go back to the ice rink, I really want to get better at sit spins, I know I'm getting good at them, I just really want to make it look beautiful for the competition that is coming up in 5 months. I hear a door open, praying that it's Coach pulling me out of class only to see someone new.

A new girl...

She has brunette hair that is just past her shoulder-blades in a messy wolf cut that... somewhat actually makes her more attractive. Pairing the hairstyle, she has Sony headphones around her neck, black baggy jeans, and a navy blue baggy vintage t-shirt.

"Hey, I'm new. I got put in this class." She says, heading over toward the teacher, handing a note. Mrs Callahan reads the note, looks over at her and then back at the note.

"All right, Miss L/n. Take a seat at an empty stand." Mrs Callahan expresses to her, beckoning toward a free stand next to mines. She nods and walks over toward me, setting her bag down next to the stool and then goes to grab a canvas, picking one up and setting it on the stand. Sitting down as she picks her colours, already beginning to draw. "Everyone, we have a new student. Y/n L/n. Speak to her after class as we are listening... not drawing." She continues onto say, staring right at Y/n yet she continues to draw, glancing between the fruit bowl in the middle that we're to draw and her canvas.


I finish my shitty painting, it being mediocre at best. I glance over toward Y/n's painting to see that she's finished as well and even drew a background, adding more story to the beautiful art that she painted. I look to see her on her phone, not even caring that her painting looks amazing.

"Your painting looks amazing." I confess, out-loud. Noticing her lift her head and look over toward me, smiling softly then looking over at her painting.

"You think so?"

"I know so. Way better than mines." I say, showing her mines. She chuckles, softly.

"Yeah, uh..." She clears her throat. "You'll get the hang of it, don't worry." Y/n assures me, her voice raspier and deeper than I expected.

"Oh, so, it isn't good?"

"All art's good if you look at it poetically enough." She replies, shrugging before getting up and leaving, I narrow my eyes, curious as to what she means.


Y/n's POV:

I've managed to make friends with an Art teacher, Kai Bushak. I now always stay in his class during our free time. We paint, talk, and it's nice to finally have a teacher willing to listen.

"How about we draw something to do with..." Kai begins to think, chapping his lips together before he hums, his voice low yet somewhat angelic and soothing to listen too. "love?"

"You want me to draw romance?"

"Capture it in a way that will make me cry, and I do the same for you." Kai expresses to me, smiling as he rests his right fist on his lifted up right thigh.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now