Hiding From The Past

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A/N: Pip x Reader

Summary: Y/n and Pip are dating during college and when Pip attempts to figure out her past, she hides more and more. That is until Y/n snaps on accident, hiding from her and Pip helps her out.



Y/n's POV:

I take my long-coat off, sighing as I hang it up. I notice my girlfriend sitting on her couch, typing away on her laptop. I smile, walking over toward her and sit beside her, kiss her cheek.

"Hi, darling." I greet her, glancing at her laptop screen and see that she's doing her dissertation.

"Hey, you okay?" I hear my girlfriend, Pip, ask me. I nod my head, sighing and setting my bag down beside my leg, leaning back into the cushions.

"I... I don't know, just some personal stuff." I explain, shrugging and opening my bag and grabbing my book, grabbing a pen, beginning to write. I hear a soft hum as Pip's head rests on my shoulder.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asks, pausing her writing and looks over at me. I debate it, wanting too yet I can't get myself to say that I want too. I shake my head.

"N—No. No, it's fine." I mutter, quietly.


I'm writing a short-story for my creative writing class and I notice my phone light up, I glance at who it is and immediately panic. My laptop falling out of my lap and I realise that I'm now standing.

"Shit, is your laptop okay?" Pip asks, I quickly pick it up and set it down on the couch.

"Y—Yeah. Fine. Sorry, I need to answer this." I answer in reply, staring at the message and who it's from. Feeling my heart beat out of my chest, trying to claw it's way out and onto the floor yet my body is fighting against my heart pooping out of my body.

"Who is it, if you don't mind me asking?"

"No one." I answer, quickly. Not meaning to sound rude about it but I can't help it when it comes to... to them. "S—Sorry, no one. Just... no one." I explain, kissing her head and hiding my phone as I continue to type my message in reply and sit down.


Pip's POV:

Right now, me and Y/n are cooking in the kitchen together as we're making our dinner. We're having a movie night in and I can tell that she's feeling a lot more relaxed. We're on school holiday and have the Monday-Tuesday off as well which is exciting as things have been a bit stressful recently.


"Oh, was that me or you?" I ask, looking over at Y/n and she shrugs.

"I'm not sure, my phone's besides yours." She answers in reply, laughing softly and kissing my cheek. "I'll check, real quick." She informs me, wiping her hands on a cloth and moves it over her shoulder. She heads over toward her phone and I glance back at her, seeing her face completely drop. "Shit." She mutters, sighing.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, speaking softly. I mentally check everything off and everything's fine. Mostly a waiting game now. I turn and head over toward Y/n.

"N—Nothing. Family stuff." She answers, resting her hands on the counter and leaning into the counter. I walk in front of her, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Is everything okay, my love? Your family seems to be going through some stuff. Can I help?" I offer, speaking gently. She glances between my eyes and rests her forehead against mines, shaking her head.

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