Jealous Emma

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Emma is hanging out with her girlfriend, Y/n, and Y/n's best friend. Yet the more Emma spends time with them, the more Emma notices that something seems off between the two.



Emma's POV:

I'm sitting on the couch and watching as my girlfriend, Y/n, walks downstairs, running her hand through her hair.

"All right, I'm going out." I hear her say to me, walking over and kissing my head.

"Wha—? Where are you going?" I ask her, wrapping my arm around her waist and holding her close as my emotional support plushie Hoshi is resting on my lap.

"I know, I know." She says, smiling down at me. "I'm just gonna hang out with Rory." She tells me, going to leave but I cling onto her arm, quickly. She sighs softly and turns to me, smiling shyly. I return a wide smile. "Baby?"


"You wanna let go of my hand?" She asks me, lowering herself down and smiling down at me. Her eyes glancing between mines, as she rests her forehead against mines.

"Nope." I answer, hearing her laugh softly.

"Why don't you wanna let go of my hand?" She asks me, curiously.

"Because I want you to stay with me." I confess to her, seeing her eyes glance between mines.

"I want too as well, but I promised Rory that I would hang out with her." Y/n tells me in reply, speaking in a softer tone.


"—I promise, once I'm back. I'm all yours..." I narrow my eyes, "and Hoshi's. Don't worry." She adds, making me smile widely.

"Well, can I come with you? I have some stuff I need to get anyway." I ask her, seeing her nod her head.

"Yeah, of course. Rory's been wanting to meet you anyway."

"Really?" I ask her, smiling widely. She nods her head, lightly. "I'll go get dressed!" I say to her, getting up and rushing upstairs.

"I'll tell Rory!" Y/n shouts in return, lying down on the couch and going to text Rory.


I'm standing beside Y/n as we're waiting for Rory to come pick us up, I won't be hanging out with them long but I at least want to meet her. She seems like a good friend to Y/n and I know that's what Y/n needs at the moment.

"Ooh, here she is!" Y/n expresses to me, excitedly. I watch the car pull up and I see Y/n open the back door for me, I kiss her cheek and get inside.

"Hi." I greet Rory, Y/n shuts the door.

"Yeah, hi." Rory greets me in return, I look at her confused as she seems unbothered by me being in her car, Y/n opens the door and climbs in. "Oh my god, hi!" She greets Y/n, leaning over and hugging her. Y/n hugs her back and goes to pull away but Rory continues to hug her, Y/n chuckles softly and rubs her back.

"What're you doing weirdo?" I hear Y/n ask, before pulling away and moving a strand of hair out of Rory's way. I look at her in surprise as I put my seatbelt on. "Dude, now your hair is all messed up, you idiot." She scolds her, shaking her head. Rory sits herself back down as Y/n becomes her personal hair stylist and begins to fix her hair for her. "There, that's better."

"Thanks, Y/n."

"No problem, idiot." Y/n scolds her, shaking her head and smiling softly. Glancing back at me then over at Rory. "Anyway, Rory, this is my amazing girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is my best friend, Rory." She introduces us, I lean more into the middle and offer my hand, waiting for her to take it and shake my hand yet she doesn't.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now