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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Y/n sees a puppy and takes care of the puppy for a few days as it was a stray, when she gets emotionally attached, Emma is hesitant and convinces her to take her to a dog shelter only for there to be a surprise two days later.



Y/n's POV:

I'm out for a drive as I went to get coffee and now I'm just driving around and debating on what to do, I'm really bored since my girlfriend, Emma Myers, is out with her friends doing her own thing and she suggested that I should go hang out with one of my friends but they are all so busy. I decide to pull over, near a beach and get out with my coffee and phone. I shut the door over and lock the car, putting the keys in my pockets and walking on the trail to the beach.

I see a puppy rush over toward me, barking. I furrow my eyebrows and lower myself, the puppy stopping in front of me. I immediately check for any injuries and then if there is any tag that lets me know the dog's name and contact details but there is none. I only just realise now that it's a Yorkshire Terrier and it looks so cute.

"Hey, what're you doing alone?" I ask the puppy, giving them some rubs before she tries to hump my leg. "Oh, no, no, don't do that, please." I plead with the dog, lightly nudging it away to stop it from doing that. I pick up the puppy and begin to walk in the direction of where it came from, ending up on the beach. I head toward the nearest people. "Hi, I was just wondering if this is your dog?" I ask them, politely.


"No, it's not, sorry."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, have a good day." I say, moving to the next couple. "Hi, I just found this dog, do you know whose dog it belongs too? Is it yours?" I ask, politely, glancing between the two. They glance between one another before shaking their head.

"No, sorry." The man says, shrugging lightly and looking at the dog before looking back at his phone.

"No. We haven't seen that dog around here." The woman replies, sending me a sympathy smile.

"All right, thank you. Have a good day." I wish to them, lowering my head lightly before walking to the next person. I look over at the dog to see it shaking in my arms, I continue to pet the dog and try to calm it down. "It's okay, darling, we're gonna find your family, I promise." I assure the dog even though the dog most definitely can't understand what I'm saying to it. I lift the dog to see if it's a girl or a boy only to see that it's a boy. I bring him closer to me as he whined and tried to move closer to me so I move him close to my side and petting him.


I've been here for 3 hours, trying to find the owner of this dog but I can't find a single person who is saying that the puppy is theirs. I took a picture of him and posted it on my Facebook and tagged the nearby area so that parents will get the notifications and hopefully be able to text me that it's their dog.

I take him back to my car and move to the boot, grabbing a towel. I shut it over and move to the passenger's side and sit him down, beginning to put the towel over him and give him some light rubs. He moves in a circle then lies down, getting comfy and cosy. I smile, giving him some head rubs and then shutting the door quietly. I move to the driver's side and get in, sitting down and shutting the door.

I pull out my phone, calling Emma. She answers in 4 rings.

"Hey, baby, is everything okay? " I hear Emma's voice say, I set my phone up and put my seatbelt on.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora