"Never gonna stop"

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Y/n has never been the main attention in her house, it's always been her brother, Harry, who's gotten all the attention ever since he was diagnosed with Autism. So, one day during school, Y/n helps Isabel from being bullied and when Isabel and Emma show up to Y/n's house to thank her, Emma quickly gains attraction.

Inspo: Atypical, "Never Giving Up" in my second hailee book.



Y/n's POV:

I see a big crowd nearby and wall over toward it, confused on what's going on. I notice a girl being shoved around so when she gets shoved near my direction. I pull her towards me, turning her towards me.

"Oh god..." The girl mutters to herself.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, feeling sympathy for her as I've been in that position multiple times.

"Y-Yes." She answers, scared. I glance at everyone else, me being shouted at by them.

"Geez, you're so boring, man."

"Fuckin' hell, just shove her already."

"You gonna do something? Nah, that's what I thought."

"Jeez, L/n, you sure do know how to ruin a party." Nicole states, glancing at her now laughing friends and facing me again. I step towards her, slowly.

"Say that again?"

"I said—" I punch her right across the face, it being a perfect hit. She falls to the ground, whimpering as she holds her face in pain. My hands feel immediately sore as her friends start to surround her.

"Oh my god, Nic!"

"Are you okay?!"

"You're literally a psycho!" One shouts at me, I look back at the girl only to realise that it's Isabel Myers. She's funny, nice smile, way too smart for me to ever be friends with her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask her, her nodding her head as she looks at Nicole in surprise.

"Y—Yes. Yes, thank—thank you." Isabel thanks me, a small smile tugging on her lips. I go to introduce myself only for my face to drop as I see teachers rushing over.

"Shit, gotta go." I run away, stepping on Nicole's stomach as I do and run to my favourite teacher's class, hoping to be able to hide in her room as barely anyone's in there and she's always in the dark at lunch.

I turn the corner, opening the door and as I keep my hand on the door, I see Principal Hayworth, staring me down and a smile settling on his face. I sigh.

"Ah, just the girl I needed to see." Principal Hayworth says, walking towards me. "To my office, now!" He shouts right in my face, I flinch.

"All right, all right. Before you turn into a fire hydrant, can you at least let me—?"

"—Let's... go." He states, gripping my collar and beginning to direct me to his office.

"Shit, I know where the fuckin' office is, goddamn." I say, glancing at his hand then at him. Only to earn a hard glare from him in return. "There's a thing called smiling, you might wanna try that if you wanna get your 4th wife—" I attempt to suggest only for him to start shouting at me.

"Miss L/n! I don't think it is fitting to comment on stuff like that to your Principal!" He shouts at me, I immediately look away as I don't want him to spit on my face anymore. "Plus, things are already not looking good for you, so, I suggest you shut your mouth and get in my office, now!" He screams into my ear, pointing at the door to open the office.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now