Going to the hospital

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Requested by: Lucastrans2006

Summary: Emma and Y/n are play fighting and Emma accidentally kicks her in the balls, causing her to bleed so they go to the hospital. The doctor and Emma notice that she has a dick and the doctor does an exam, noticing that she's fine and tells her to put ice on it. They go home and Emma takes care of her, yet asks why she didn't tell her.

Reader's G!P



Y/n's POV:

I try to wrap my arms around Emma yet I briefly miss her, groaning. I try to catch her again, seeing that she's managed to move out of my group. I can't believe that I keep missing her. Right now, we're play fighting yet I can't seem to get her! She keeps managing to slither her way out of any situation, she literally just crawled under the bed while I jumped over to get her. She's a smart girl but I didn't know there were so many ways to run away from someone.

"Ah! Get away!" Emma exclaims, throwing a pillow at my face and jumping onto the couch and I try to get her but she jumps over the coffee table and rushes around the kitchen table, stopping and turning to me. Both of us laughing as we're on each end of the table, catching our breaths. "Hi..."

"Hi, love." I greet her, both of us giggling and trying to move yet I can't figure out how to get her. I can't even think of what to distract her with.

"Whatcha doin'...?" She asks me, quickly going the other way and I try to get her yet I just miss as she quickly managed to move.

"I just want to cuddle!" I try to reason with her, hearing her laugh as she tries to figure out an escape plan.

"We both know you're trying to poke at my sides and all! I know it!" Emma argues, wagging her finger and pointing at me, making me laugh.

"Em, come on. Just... Just accept it!" I confess to her, trying to move to her side of the table only for her to move to where I just was. Us across from one another again.

I notice her move one way then the other but I finally catch her, wrapping my arms around her and dropping her onto the couch, quickly crawling on top of her, poking at her sides, her squirming away from me before she brings her knee up, hitting me in the dick. I groan, losing my grip and falling onto the floor, laughing but in a lot of pain.

"Shit, are you okay?" I hear Emma ask, I groan, tilting my head back and clenching my jaw. Feeling myself in so much pain. I hate it. My dick is hurting so much. "Baby?"

"Mm?" I say through a pained grunt, forcing my eyes shut as I let out a small exclaim in pain. "Fuck, I'm in a lot of pain."

"Wha—? Are you o—?" She abruptly stops, looking at my thigh, I look to see that I'm bleeding and clench my jaw, wanting to gag. I hate blood, I hate blood! Ugh. "I'm so sorry!" I hear her begin to spew apologies at me, kneeling down and taking my hand as I wish the pain away yet the pain is very very prominent. "What do I do? What do I do?!"

"Fuck, I don't know!"

"Do I take you to the hospital?" She asks, rubbing my shoulder and kissing my forehead. "I'm so sorry!" She apologises again and when I meet her eyes, I notice that she looks like she's about to cry.

"Are you crying?" I ask her, before hissing in pain, feeling a lot of pain. I whimper and try to turn onto my stomach but I feel my dick get caught in the fabric and I clench my jaw, quickly moving. Feeling a lot more pain.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now