Exchange Student

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A/N: Enid x Reader

Summary: Y/n has moved to Jericho from England and when she attends her new school, she meets a bright student.

I'm gonna make it where Y/n has The Voice from Dune talent again as well as telekensis.



Y/n's POV:

I stop outside of the school, Nevermore Academy, and see that it's a very big school, it's like Hogwarts, the fuck?

"You want me here, do ya?" I ask, my accent really standing out compared to passing students while I point at the school. My mum moves my hand down to my side, giving me a scolding look.

"Manners, Y/n, Jesus." She reminds me, I scoff and roll my eyes. She begins to walk into the school and I follow after her, adjusting my hoodie and glancing around as I notice multiple people immediately beginning to turn and look at me. One approaches me and I watch as they do.

"Are you the new exchange student?" The girl asks me with a very generic American Accent, I don't know why but it doesn't seem real. With a blank stare, I glance at my mum and see her looking at me, telling me with her eyes that if I don't answer, she'll make me stand there till I do. I look back at her and smile.

"I ain't got a scooby do, love." I answer, shrugging. Noticing her eyes widen and her cheeks flush as she walks away back to her friends, whispering. I walk ahead, trying to find the head teacher's office while my mum scolds me.

"You couldn't have just said 'Yes'?"

"Nah." I answer, blankly. "Ain't it 'ere, mum?" I ask, beckoning my head toward the door. She lets her shoulders fall and stands in front of me.

"Stand tall." She instructs me to do, using The Voice on me. I stand taller. "Good, don't be sarcastic, don't be cheeky, just be you."

"Mum, I got it, yeah." I reply, nodding my head and opening the door, hearing her sigh as she went to knock. "I'm here." I announce, seeing the head teacher stand up and immediately begin to plaster on a smile. I glance back at Mum seeing her walk slowly in and shut the door behind us.

"Sorry about my daughter, she doesn't seem to grasp the concept of politeness." Mum attempts to defend me, the head teacher shakes her head and clasps her hands together before beckoning us to the tiny ass seats.

"That's alright, I'm sure we'll be able to help her out of that habit." Head Teacher, Weems, assures Mum while she sits down, I sit beside mum and glance around the eery room. It's very dark.

"Not a fan of light, eh?" I ask her, looking up at her to see her tilt her head to the side with a smile plastering on her face. "I...It..." I glance away for a moment. "It was a joke, all right, then." I mutter to myself, letting mum do all the talking while I sit, wanting to get the fuck out of this room. It's so dull and... old fashioned. Don't get me wrong, I like it, I like the old fashioned, dark academia type of room but... it kinda is a bit too dark.

"Y/n, I have a student that is going to show you around and then take you to the office to collect your key to your dorm, timetable, and uniform."

"Y'all got uniform?" I ask, she nods her head. "Cool." I let out, disappointed. I thought America was supposed to be free of uniform, I had to deal with shitty ties back in the UK now I gotta deal with it here? Fuck that, man. A knock appears then the door opens, I glance back and see a student, blonde hair with died tips, a wide smile, with a purple and black uniform. "That the form?" I ask mum, she nods her head, I scoff. "Bit daft, but alright." I say, standing up and tucking my hands in my grey joggies.

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