Acting Off

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A/N: CC x Reader

Summary: Y/n and CC are in a relationship and when CC comes into school one day, she is acting weird and Y/n notices only to find out the truth.



Y/n's POV:

I'm waiting outside to pick my girlfriend, CC, to head to school together, we normally always head in and get something to eat on the way then go in a little bit into first period which is our free and... and make out a little bit which is always so dreamy to do.

I watch her walk out and shut the door, in a much more matured outfit than normal. She looks kinda hot.

"Hey, you. What's with the outfit?" I ask her, smiling as I watch her get in and immediately lean into the door, putting her seatbelt on.

"What—What do you mean?" CC replies, looking at me confused— wait...

"Did... Did you pluck your eyebrows?" I ask, leaning forward only for her to lightly shove me away.

"Shut up. My—My mom made me."

"Thought you were mad at your mom." I reply, beginning to drive toward the nearest McDonald's for breakfast. I glance over at her and notice her seem confused before she nods her head.

"Right..." She lets out, "but you know parents. They just try to be understanding even though they might not fully get what's going on. We just wanna fix stuff so kids don't go through hard challenges."

"I mean, yeah. That's what I tried to say. But, uh... 'we' huh? Are you trying to tell me something?" I tease, immediately beginning to laugh yet I hear CC laugh sort've... weirdly. Not like her usual laugh. I glanced over at her, seeing her look so awkward. I focus on the road, letting CC take over with the conversation starters yet she's quiet.


We park at school and I watch as she goes to get out but I stop her, she turns to me.

"Are we okay?" I ask her, rubbing her forearm. "I mean, did I say something? I'm sorry if I did."

"No. No, no, no, Honey, you're fine." She replies, patting my cheek. I look at her confused. My CC's never called me 'Honey', she always thought that sounded super 60s. "We're okay." She states, then gets out and starts to walk inside, sipping on her drink. I immediately let my shoulders fall in disappointment, clenching my jaw and grabbing my stuff and getting out. I lock my car and head inside, trying to catch up to her yet she's a fast walker and I am too but today's not my best day.

She stops at her locker and I sigh, letting my shoulders fall, heading beside her and opening my locker, setting my bag in as I'm free for 2 hours then I got a class and it's online.

"Anyway, I gotta go to class." CC tells me, I narrow my eyes in confusion.

"You don't have class for another hour."

"Oh. Right, yeah. I just wanted to see if you would know." CC teases, I nod slowly before looking away from her and grabbing a snack bar from my locker and handing her one. She takes it and starts to snack on it and I grab one for me and shut it over, beginning to open it and start to eat it with her.

"Wanna go to our spot now?" I ask, smiling as I look over at her, resting my hand on her waist. She tenses and moves away, patting my shoulder.

"Ooh! I just realised, I need to go talk to Mrs Tellford! I'll come find you afterwards." CC informs me, walking away from me and walking in the opposite direction of Mrs Tellford's class. I let my shoulders fall, itching the back of my neck and walking to our normal spot. Beginning to listen to music through my earphones in my pockets and try to think of ways I can get CC to open up to me.

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