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A/N: Pip x Reader

Spoilers: Good Girl's, Bad Blood

INSPO: Sex Education

Summary: Y/n and Pip are in detention because of an argument that happened between them, Lauren and Ant.

In normal circumstances, Pip is sunshine, Y/n is grumpy.



Y/n's POV:

I watch as Pip speed walks to her class, sighing and rubbing her temple.

"Jesus, it's 8:45 in the morning. Can we not walk so fast?" I complain, noticing her glance back at me, slowing down.

"Sorry, I just... kinda wanna get out of here." Pip confesses, glancing over at me and holding onto my pinkie and my ring finger as we try to direct ourselves out of the hall and to the side gate.

"Watch it, idiot." Lauren calls on us as Pip bumps into her accidentally, I glare at her.

"Watch what you're fuckin' saying." I spit back at her, only to hear Ant call my name.

"Y/n, why the fuck are you being rude?" Ant calls on me, Pip going to stop me and continue moving me back as I continue.

"Why don't you stop sucking your own dick and buy a braincell to find out." I reply, smiling sarcastically at him only for him to storm towards me.

"Back the fuck up away from her." Pip spits at him, Ant stopping in front of her.

"Shut up, Pip. You still acting like your Sherlock Holmes?" Ant snaps at her, I grip his t-shirt and pushing him against the wall.

"Don't fucking speak to her like that." I spit at him, threatening him and feeling him trying to wiggle out of my grip yet I don't let him.

"Get off of him." Lauren shrieks, gaining multiple people's attention.

"Shut up, Lauren, no one cares." Pip dismisses, waving her off. Making me laugh causing Ant to shove me into a S1, him and a few others falling over. I quickly move back over to him, punching him right in the face. Slightly stumbling over him.

"Don't ever push me again." I threaten him only to feel Lauren shove me away, a teacher rushing over and sending me, Pip, Ant, and Lauren to the principal's office.


"Who started it?" He asks, glancing at all of us. Me and Pip being silent but Ant and Lauren immediately beginning to shout over one another about how Pip purposefully shoved into them causing the whole thing.

"It was Pip! She purposefully pushed into me—!"

"—And Y/n started having a go at us even though they were the ones that bumped into us!" Ant attempts to say to him, causing me glare over at them.

"That is bullshit and you fuckin' know it, you daft fuckers." I spit at them only for the Principal to butt in and start having a go at me.

"Don't you dare use that language, I need you to be respectful." He orders me to do, I let my shoulders fall in disappointment.

"Look Pip accidentally bumped into Lauren and Lauren told us 'Watch it, idiot' and that's what caused it all."

"Okay, did you need to hit me you bitch?"

"Now that's not very nice language, Ant, is it?" I tease him, noticing him immediately begin to stand up and I do with him only to get pulled to sit down by Pip. I huff, letting my shoulders fall in disappointment.

"Listen to your little fuckin' mutt." He spits at me, I immediately shove him into Lauren's chair, punching his face twice before being dragged away and taken out of the room.


I'm in detention with Pip, Ant, Lauren, and a few other students. We get given one page of a newspaper.

"You are all going to circle all the 'A's' and go through the alphabet till you are done." The teacher explains, glancing at all of us before leaving the room to go do something. I begin to circle all the A's, B's, C,s and I get to D when I hear Pip say.

"I've done all the A's." She says, contently, pointing at the paper. I look over at her and let my shoulders fall.

"It's not just the single A's, it's all the A's as well, love." I remind her, speaking softly, hearing Lauren scoff.

"Jesus, Pip, you can be so fucking dumb."

"Lauren, you want repeatedly stabbed in the eye—?!" I counter, going to sit up only for Pip to stop me and sit me back down. Hearing multiple laughs from people in the room. Me and Pip glance at one another and I see her lightly shake her head, making me smile softly. I watch as she continues to circle the double A's. I watch after her as she continues to circle and I point at my paper and she begins to copy from mines which I don't mind. I look over to see Ant staring at me.

"What?" Ant asks, sharply.

"What, does my face show any signal of wanting to talk to you, yeah?" I counter, noticing him scoff and turn away from me. I look at him sarcastically and look down over at my lap, sighing and rubbing my face.

I fucking hate detention.

"Detention is so boring." Pip complains, whispering quietly and looking over at me. I nod my head, lightly.

"It really is." I confess to her, huffing. I stand up and head to the front, grabbing a new piece of paper and sit back down, restarting as I'm genuinely just bored and have no idea what else to do.

"Baby, I'm gonna listen to music, you wanna listen with me?"

"Yeah of course babe." I hear Ant reply to Lauren'ts question, me and Pip look over at one another and both gag quietly, beginning to laugh and cover our mouths, trying not to make it known that we're laughing. I pull out my phone and begin to text Pip, her on her phone and waiting for my message.

"they are so annoying." I text her, her nodding her head.

"They are like bro, shut up. No one cares." Pip replies, making me want to laugh yet I hold it back.

"i know!!! "

"Kinda just wanna slap them both so that they can stfu..."

"me too"

"I honestly have no idea how we're gonna make it through this detention..."

"LITERALLY, I GENUINELY WANT AWAYYYYY FROM THEMMMM" I send to her, hearing her laugh and both of us sway back and forth as we continue to laugh.

"The fuck are you laughing at?" I hear Ant question, glancing back at us. We glare at him and I send him a middle finger.

"Go suck your girlfriends tits and be a little yes man." I snap at her, hearing Lauren gasp and scoff, rolling her eyes and turning Ant toward her, cupping his face and saying...

"It's okay, baby, don't listen to them." Lauren says to him, speaking in her baby voice. I audibly gag and immediately look away over at Pip, hearing Pip laugh as I earn a scoff from Lauren.

"Just get me out of here." I confess to her, shaking my head lightly.


As soon as the teacher announces we can leave, I am immediately out of the room along with Pip.

"All right, we gotta run otherwise we're gonna miss our opening, come on." She says, announcing it and smiling, grabbing my hand as we both run out into the car park, getting in my car and speeding out of the car park.

We have to go, go, go!


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