It was an obvious response since Chao first saw Seol as a skilled but naive summoner and now, he revealed his hidden intent.

"Don't be so on guard. I don't have ill intent."

"...What is it then?"

"I'm stuck on the Wall of Awakening. I need your help overcoming it."

"Ah! It was just that?"

Wall of Awakening.

Once a player reaches level 10 and goes to the class training center in their city, they receive this option.

- [Required: Shadow Summoner, Wall of Awakening] I heard that there was a Shadow Summoner here.

Something like that.

Seol began his search for Chao the moment that text was no longer grayed out.

If a player's growth is blocked by the Wall of Awakening, they are no longer able to grow their skills. And during that time, even if you go to the class training center to enhance a skill, the skill won't get any stronger.

'Because I'm blocked by the Wall of Awakening, my growth is blocked too.'

Through his last Adventure, Seol just reached level 11. Even if he wanted to enhance his skills at the class training center, he was unable to.

If Seol went to the class training center right now, the skill tree wouldn't appear.

And so, these experienced experts were there to help the player grow.

And the 'experienced experts' in this case were the veterans of each class.

For example, someone like Chao who was right in front of Seol.

Also, although they help the player break down the Wall of Awakening, at the same time, they also make troublesome requests.

It was based on the idea of scratching each other's backs.

And now, it seemed like Chao was thinking of something to request from Seol.

"Hm... What should I do... I don't have that much time, though. Could you perhaps ask someone else?"

"I would just like you to know that I've spent multiple months searching for you."

"Huh? You've been searching for me for that long?"

Seol then told Chao about everything that has happened to him since Seol first came to the manor, with the exception of a few details and embellishing a few other details.

Chao quietly listened before laughing, "What? You really went all there? Hahahaha... you really are something, huh?"

"Why did you steal the False Death-Inducing Device?"

"I took it, I didn't steal it."


"I have a use for it. In my research."

"Your research?"

"Hm... Now that I think about it, that shadow... was it that corpse?"

Seol shrugged.

Since it was pointless to hide it, Seol simply shrugged to imply that she had the right idea.

"Oho... No wonder, I thought she was strong..."

"Chao, could you please give me an answer now?"

"Hold on, you have to give me time to think too, you know? Why are you in such a rush when it's my precious time that's being used?"

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