"Jamad, choose your words carefully. Right now, we are suspecting it's you."

"Oh my brothers, could you listen to what I have to say?"


"We might have been forced to become brothers because of the shamans of the previous generation but I have never once regretted it."

"The previous generation, huh... you mean the same generation that you massacred on your own because they annoyed you?"

The previous generation of shamans were all kind and Jamad had extorted them out of all of their shamanic spells. And during that time, Jamad's brothers neither helped nor prevented it. They had simply remained silent.

Jamad kept his head down and continued.

He then looked toward the trolls who were challenging his authority.

"Kron, I understand why you want to fight me. It's because I'm the closest target to you. And I'm sure you love the current situation. So, do you really want my position this badly when our tribe's become like this in just a few hours?"

"You understand me? Ha! Then I guess you'll understand your fate as well, right?"

The more the brothers talked with each other, the more red Jamad's eyes got.

They were only able to control themselves somewhat through willpower. Mael's Potion of Madness definitely had an effect as they were more violent than usual.

"My brothers, there was something I vowed after I killed the previous generation. I wanted to destroy Rock Molar's forced traditions to start a new generation. Wasn't that why I let all of my brothers live?"

"What? Let us live? How arrogant! Do you really think you're able to kill us whenever you want to? Are you looking down on the shamanic magics our previous generation taught us? Enough! You have always looked down on us!"



Spears, axes, and even magic staves.

Jamad's brothers weren't there to have a discussion.

They planned to use the chieftain's incompetence as an excuse to completely flip over Rock Molar's power dynamics.

"Then... it's time for you to pay for your arrogance!"

The brothers stiffened up their tattooed faces and let out their battle cries.

"Why haven't you said anything about Magata's death?"

"The same goes for you guys."


"As long as you've drawn your weapons, we are enemies. So I'll tell you, I'll tell you why I haven't said anything about Magata's death..."

Jamad's eyes were ice cold as he looked at Kron.

"Because we... aren't real brothers. Because we doubt each other first whenever there's a dispute."

"...Yeah, you might be right."

"Aren't we proving it right now? Your blades arrived faster at my neck than even the unknown enemy."

"Then let's end this disgusting brother act. We can just let whoever survives this lead and repair the tribe."

"I agree."

Kron and the other brothers' eyes glowed red.

It was almost like they couldn't control their boiling blood.

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