Liam's Entitlement

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I sat at my desk for the next class and waited for the bell to ring. To make time more enjoyable, I decided to take out the book I was currently reading and read where I had left off.

"Hey, beautiful." I hear Nate say as he leans down behind me, kissing my cheek. "Hi," I said, blushingly as I looked up at him. "How is Jordan doing? Is he ok? Did you get to talk to him?"

"He's fine. He just... you know, his parents had a little argument after the dinner Friday night. He's just, a little uh,"

"It's fine. I get it, don't worry." I say, looking at him with a smile. "OK, class. Please take out your books, and open them to chapter fifteen," the teacher announced, making Nate take a seat next to me as the class began.

The whole class and for the rest of the day if I could be honest, Nate acted a little weird. He stared at me to the point the teacher asked him to stay focused. I mean, he stared at me all the time, smiling at me with those big puppy greens, but, it was odd today. It was as if he was trying to tell me something, Almost as if he had something to say, yet, he didn't say a thing.

The last class rolled by, and he walked me to my class before heading to practice. "Ready, Nate?" Jordan asked as he came by to walk with him.

"Hi, Jordan. How are you fee— oh!" I said, getting caught by surprise as he launched himself at me, hugging me real tight.

"Uh, Jor?"

"You look great today, Mia. Have you ever noticed how you and I are so alike? Have you noticed we almost look alike? I mean... maybe a little, right? Nate, you see it right?" he asks, not making any sense. I chuckle, nodding my head.

"Uh, yeah. A little, maybe. You're practically siblings." Nate says, making Jordan chuckle awkwardly, followed by Nate. "You two are acting so freaking weird. Go to class!" I said, rolling my eyes. Jordan pauses and sighs before pulling me in for another hug and then he takes off. "I'll see you after practice, ok, babe? Don't mind him. He got bumped in the head too many times, you know how crazy that kid is." Nate says playfully, making me chuckle.

"Ok. See you after practice today. Get 'em, baby." I say, kissing his lips and slapping his behind as he turns to leave.

Art class has got to be my ultimate favorite class of all. I love learning about every subject, but art... art was my passion. We were currently working on a piece made of oil paint. We had to represent ourselves through our culture.

This was not going to be easy for me, though. Dad was part native, part Spanish, and part Dutch. Born and raised in the US. Mom was mainly Mexican, but she had French blood, Spanish blood, and native as well. I needed to somehow represent all these bloodlines in one art piece. She wasn't born in the States, but she had come to live here when she was just a toddler.

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