This Real Love

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"You can't keep doing this to me, Nate!" I said, happily crying, making him chuckle. "Do what? I didn't do anything wrong. Did I ?" he answers, making me cry more.

I pulled away, and he instantly wiped my tears away with his thumbs, kissing my lips softly as he smiled. "You are spoiling me. Why are you so cute and stuff with me? it's not fair. You're making it hard for me to not fall in love with you." I say, closing my eyes as I tried to stop crying.

But I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry. I just... I was just trying to do something nice for you. Mia, I love you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I... I just wish you could see how special you are to me." he says, knitting his eyebrows and smiling apologetically.

"God. You are so hopeless." I say as I sniffled, and nodded, wiping a tear away and making him chuckle. He hugs me around my neck as I rest my head on his chest, hugging him. "Thank you, Nate. This means so, much to me." I say as I tilt my head to the side and look at the bear again.

"But- Listen. You can't go around buying me stuff like this. First the sweatpants suit, then a romantic dinner, and now this? God... At this rate, you're going to spoil me so badly, I might start getting used to it." I say, making him chuckle as I pull away a little.

"I can get used to spoiling you every day, baby. I have no problem with that," he says, making me chuckle. "Stop it. I mean it. I love the bear, it means a lot. But I don't want you to waste your money on me, ok?" I say sincerely.

Truth is, Nate and I belong to completely different social statuses. His family is loaded. And when I say loaded, I mean they are filthy rich. Hell, all of my friends are well off, because their parents have amazing jobs. Even my sister Audrey's husband, Steven is pretty wealthy. His family left him loads of money, and the only reason he's a cop it's because he loves it. He loves protecting people and being in the line of duty.

But my family has had its ups and downs far too many times. We have had weeks where we don't even know how we will be able to afford groceries for the following week. We've lived paycheck to paycheck for most of our lives. But Dad has never given up.

He's the hardest-working man I have ever known, working two jobs at a time to keep us afloat. I have dealt with hunger before when going out and knowing I can't spend more than what I was given. I've had to suck it up when shopping, and I want something I know I can't afford. Believe me, window shopping is fun only when you know you can come back later and get it, but when you know you can't have it, it just makes you feel like shit.

However, it has taught me to stay humble and help the needy when I get a chance to. My stepmom and dad have given their jackets off their back to the needy. Dad's given his last dollar to homeless people and I have never had to think twice when an elderly person asks for my help.

Bay and I love volunteering at our local senior centers and the kid's recreation centers. My favorite is helping at the shelters where we have had the honor to meet veterans who are down on their luck. I've sat and cried with them, listening to their stories.

This is why I think Andrea looks down on me. She and I know well enough that I don't belong in their circle. But it's Nate and our mutual friends that have shown me that not every rich kid is a stuck-up entitled brat. Nate has volunteered in the same centers and given to charity more times than I could remember. His family has helped kids get through college by giving them grants.

"Mia. I know you're used to buying your own stuff, and I know you don't like anyone pampering you. But I want to do it. Let me take care of you for once. I have enough money saved up on my own to spoil you for the rest of your life. All I ask is that you love me in return as much as I love you. You deserve to be pampered, you deserve to be spoiled rotten. And there is nothing wrong with that." he says, making me look at him lovingly.

I know. I lack a lot of self-love, and the lack of self-love makes me feel guilty for wanting to spoil myself or allowing others to pamper me. This may be a problem, or maybe it won't, but one thing is for sure- I want things to work out between Nate and me. I don't want to think that money differences could be a problem between us. I just want to enjoy our time together and allow our love to grow.

Yes- it's cheesy and corny, but that's what I truly want. Genuine-true love.

"Nate. All I need is you. Not these... Gifts and spoiling. All I want... Is you." I say as he slowly cups my face and kisses me. This is all I want, him. Money or not, it doesn't matter. All I want is him.

"You're amazing, you know that?" he whispers in my mouth, making my lips tug into a smile.

"This is the only thing important to me, Nate. Us. Our love. That's all I want." I whisper back, making him claim my lips vigorously. Our kiss is more intense, more loving, and more passionate. He pulls me closer, and I can't help but move on top of him, straddling him.

He is driving me wild. I don't know how long I can hold off not giving him my V-card. If he's this good kissing, I can only imagine. "Damn. I swear, you're going to be the end of me, baby," he says, making me chuckle as his hands grip my butt tightly, pulling me closer to him.


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