Jordan Blues

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Mia (following Monday)

I was on my way walking toward my next class when I realized I had forgotten my textbook. I made my way to my locker quickly "Meh, I might as well leave my other books in here for now." I said to myself as I opened my locker.

My face lit and I opened it up and saw a single rose with a bottle of pink lemonade. I instantly knew] it was Nate. He knows I love pink lemonade. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as I grabbed the flower and held it up to my nose. It smelled so beautiful.

"You like?" Nate asks in the back of me, making me jump in place with a low scream. "Nate!" I say, making him chuckle.

He grabs me by the waist, pulling me in for a kiss. I can't help but smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his lips. "I love it! Thank you." I say, kissing him again.

"Hey, have you seen Jordan by any chance? It's almost the middle of the school day and I haven't seen him. I've been trying to reach him all weekend with no luck." he says, sounding genuinely concerned.

I look at him worried. It's not like Jordan to just up and disappear on us. Whether he's going on vacation or not feeling good and needs a few days off, he always... and I mean always lets us know. "No. I'm sorry, I haven't seen him. I have chem with his next thought. Maybe he'll show up." I say, hoping everything is alright.

If I'm being honest, he hasn't really talked to anyone since the dinner the other night at Nate's grandparents' restaurant. I get it, maybe he's embarrassed, but I'm over it. Nate is right, I shouldn't bother with Amanda. The lady has major issues, and I have too many things to worry about than to be bothered as to why she doesn't like me.

I swear, that lady has major shadows to heal. But I have my own, and thus, I will not bother with her negativity or her bad vibrations. It does however worry me that Jordan could be sick or something.

"I'm sure he'll show up. Maybe he broke his phone like last time." I suggest, making Nate chuckle. A few months ago, we went out together to celebrate McKenzie winning a big match for her karate. She faced off with this ruthless girl who was a major star, but man... Kenzie whipped her behind.

Jordan was so happy he was dancing on the high terrace we sat at, making his phone fall three stories down. The whole screen shattered into a million pieces. His mom refuses to buy him a new one though. Luckily, he had money saved up and was able to replace it himself.

"I guess your right. He is a bit careless with his phone. He's gone through five phones just this year, I wouldn't be surprised if he got grounded for breaking another one. Amanda can be a little hard on him over material shit like that." he says, making me chuckle. "Did you try calling his parents?" I ask, making Nate sigh. "I did. I called them numerous times, but every time I called they said he was either sleeping or had gone out. It's not like him ghosting us all weekend."

"Well, he has been hanging out with Kenzie. Maybe he was with her." I suggested, making him shrug his shoulders. "Yeah. Maybe," he says making me chuckle.

"Come on, baby. I'll walk you to your next class," he says, holding me by the waist as he pulls my backpack off and swings it over his shoulder. He leads me to my next class, but there is no sign of Jordan, making me worried. "Maybe he's late. I'll text you if he makes it, OK?" I say, cupping Nate's cheek and kissing his lips.

"Yeah, I suppose. Let me know if you find anything, ok? I'll have to call Amanda again. But she is probably at work, so she will probably blow me off. God, where the hell is he? We have a big game this weekend, if he misses a single practice, the coach is going to bench him." he says, making me worried. Jordan is really passionate about his game, and it's rare for him to miss a single practice, let alone a game. "Now I'm starting to worry. Do you think he's ok?" I ask Nate, hugging him around his waist.

"I hope so, babe. I hope so. Anyway, come on, let's get you to class." he says, as we walk to my class then he kisses me by the door before leaving.

The bell rang tight as I stepped inside and to my disappointment, our teacher was not here. We had a substitute, and goes who it was? That's right, Andrea's cousin, Dalia. I grunted inwardly, but my face said it all. I can't help my face expressing itself in discomfort.

She looks at me annoyed as I walk past her, making my way to my seat. I'll admit, she's a smart cookie, unlike Andrea, whose only passion and knowledge revolved around cheer and boys. "Miss Miller. It's good to see you finally join us. But next time, make sure you are here on time, at least five minutes before class starts."

I was in no mood to argue with her, my mind was still in where the hell is Jordan? "Will do!" I said rolling my eyes and smiling elastically as I sat down.

"As you know, your teacher will be out for the next three days. I will be filling in for him. Now," oh, for the love of everything. Seriously? I have to not only withstand Andrea's attitude, but now I have to sit three days' worth of class with her cousin, Dalia.

What else can possibly go wrong? Dang it! "Your teacher left a few things to review, including the periodic table. He will be testing you when he gets back. You will need to memorize the atomic numbers, symbols, names, and isotope numbers." she says, as she gets up and begins to call out our names for roll call.

"Jordan, you.... Where's Jordan?" She says, forgetting she had just marked him absent. "I'm here." He calls out as he makes his way inside the classroom. A rush of relief washed over me, looking at him contently as I smile. He looks so deprecated though.

"Jordan.. weren't you just... never mind. You will partner off with Ms. Miller. Take a seat next to her, please. Camille, you will partner off with Tim," she says, as Jordan takes a seat next to me, dropping his bag and groaning. He looks so tired. Should I ask him if he's ok? God, he looks so bad.

"Hey... are you ok?" I ask him, making him jump in place a little. He looks at me, then turns back, closing his eyes and nodding as if he had just lost the biggest football game of his life.

I am genuinely concerned for him. It's not like him to be so down. He's always so cheerful and smiling. I have b]never seen him so blue, and honestly, it's making me so worried.


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