Don't Cross Me

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Mia (Next Day)

I was finishing up getting ready for school. I was rather excited to start this year. I already began looking into universities to attend next year. I'm not sure which to go with though. Nate is thinking of NYU since that's where his dad graduated from, but he's got USC as a second choice since that's where his mom graduated from.

I'm indecisive right now. I don't even know what to study, or what career to pursue. It's making me a bit nervous. I didn't even think of looking into universities until the middle of the year if I'm being totally honest, but it was Nate's mom that made me realize. I should be already thinking ahead.

Both of my sisters Audrey and Nikki have it all figured out. Audrey is a teacher at a middle school here in town, and Nikki will be graduating from medical school next year, and starting her internship soon after at a big hospital in Nashville. But as for me? I have no clue what I want to be. Bailey is also thinking of being a history teacher. She loves studying history. She's really good at it. And Nate- Nate is studying business administration since he will be taking over his dad's investment corporation along with Jordan.

Their dads partnered a few years ago, and they have been very successful. So, as soon as they both graduate, they will be working with Jordan's dad and then taking over the company as a duo.

I love art, and I love literature, but I am not sure of making either one my career. It's making me rather frustrated.

After I finished combing my hair, I grabbed my jacket, placed it on me, grabbed my backpack, and made my way out. Bailey was already done getting ready and halfway through her breakfast. Mom and Dad had come this morning to see us off for our first day. After pictures and goodbyes, we finally made our way out.

Nate was already outside waiting for us, making the girls mock me as he smiled, wearing his football uniform. The tradition of his school for the first day, I supposed. Kate had come out wearing her cheer outfit this morning as well.

"Hi, babe. Ready for the first day of school?" he says, wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. I blushed as I hear the girls whoot in the back. "Ready as I'll ever be," I say, cupping his cheek and kissing his lips again. His smile grew and turns opening the door for me.

"I'll see you guys at school," he says to the girls as they make their way to Kate's car. We take off and they follow soon after.

The school is crowded. Cars honking and parking everywhere, kids were being dropped off, and little clicks of people were everywhere as they welcomed the new year and rekindled with their friends.

I felt claustrophobic already. But I knew I had to be here. Nate grabs my hand, kissing my knuckles and squeezing my hand. "Babe, it's fine. I'm here, ok?" he says, almost as if he could read my thoughts. I smile, blushing as he flaunts his dimples with a big smile. "Come on, let's get your schedule," he says as we make a beeline to the tables and we register.

The girl hands me my schedule and smiles, looking between the two of us. "Welcome to our school, Mia," she says, handing me a pom-pom. I smile, grabbing the schedule and the pom-pom with bright brown, orange, and silver strings; the colors of their school.

"Thanks, Analee," I say and wait for Nate as he finishes talking to the boy giving him his schedule. "So, what class do you have first, Baby?" he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, grabbing his backpack and duffle bag in the other hand. "Uhm, I... History, with Collins, and then Englush literature with McGee." I say. He takes my schedule, smiles, and hands it back to me.

"Looks like we have almost every class together, other than history and football. Unless you want to join the team?" he says, making me chuckle. "No thanks, I'm ok with my schedule," I say, making him chuckle.

I went through the first class then to my second and third. We had a great lunch together, with a big rally and all. After lunch, Nate and I walked together to AP calculus. We made our way inside, taking a seat in front and waiting for class to start, but something caught me from the side, seeing Bailey struggle to get to her locker.

Liam was making out with this random cheerleader, and I could see the hurt in her eyes. I made my way out, followed by a worried Nate. And just as I was there in front of her a football hit the books she held in her hand knocking them off of her.

I glared at the student, making my blood boil as he and two other football guys chuckled hysterically. "What the fuck is your problem? Dickhead." I yelled, already feeling overwhelmed by the day. "Hey, chill, Mia. It was just an accident," he says, knowing who I am.

"Accident my ass. You did that on purpose." I yelled, getting the attention of other students. "Mia, it's fine. I'm fine."

"Watch where you point that shit, Connor. Or I'll make sure that ball goes where the sun doesn't shine. Got it?" Nate warns the guy, making his smile fade. "I... Ya yes. Sorry, Nate. Sorry, Mia." he says, but Nate glares angrily at him.

"And?" he says, gesturing toward Bailey. "I... Sorry, Bay... Bailey." he stutters, turning quickly on his heel and leaving. Nate was a very friendly person, everybody loved him, but they also knew he had a short temper and the guys knew better than to cross him. I was glad he was here to tell them off.

"Bay..." I yelled after my sister as she stormed off. "Go, we still have five minutes before class starts," he says, and I turn quickly running after her. "Bay!" I yell, making her stop.

"Mia, I'm fine. Stop babying me. I get it, Liam will never look at me the way he looks at other girls. And honestly, It hurts, but I'll survive. Don't worry, ok? Besides, we're Millers, remember? And Millers always,"

"Millers always pull through." I finish with her, making her smile. Her eyes are a bit watered, but I know she's right. We always pull through. I hug her, kiss her forehead, and sigh. "Fine. But promise me you will talk to me if you need to. Ok? I'm here for you. We're sisters." I say, making her smile.

"Always," she replies. She walks away with a smile and I sigh, seeing her vanish toward her next class.

I'm making my way back when I see Andrea pass with her cheer friends, giving me a big smile. "Mia. Good to see you," she says, making me give her a light smile.

"Likewise, Andrea. Gotta... Get to class." I say as I continue to walk.

"It won't last, you know?" she says, making me stop. I close my eyes, grunting inwardly. This is what I wanted to avoid, it's what I hoped didn't happen.

"Maybe. But I sure as hell will give it a chance." I say, making her smile fade. "Nate is mine, Mia. And you know that. He always comes back to me. Always." she says as she gets closer.

"True. But, he's with me for now. And, honestly, you two are broken up. So technically he's not yours, NOW. Is he?" I respond, making her fume.

"You'll regret coming to this school, Mia. This is my turf, I run this school, and you'll soon see what it's like to cross me," she says, inches away from my face.

"If it was any other person, they would probably fear her by now. But I have dealt with worse in my old school. And I've been in worse situations. A stuck up- rich cheerleader was nothing I couldn't handle.

"You know, I'm starting to think the rumors about you are true. But," I said taking a step closer, making her face change to confusion. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Bring it on, Andy." I say, smiling wickedly at her. I take a step back with my hands folded over my chest and turn on my heel, leaving her and their friends feeling dumbfounded.

They were talking to the wrong girl. I was not scared of them, and the only thing I wanted was to make sure Bailey was ok. So long as she was ok, I was ok. They could do whatever the hell they wanted. High school drama was the least of my worries.


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