Sassy Mia

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I woke up to Nate's alarm going off. At first, I had completely forgotten we had fallen asleep in his room. So when it finally hit me, I jolted up to get off his bed. My foot suddenly got stuck in the blanket and I went down. I squealed, feeling myself fall, landing on my butt.

"Mia, shit...Are you ok?" Nate says as he wakes up and looks down at me. I am laughing my butt off, and I can't help but lay flat on my back, I believed by my clumsiness. He gets up, holding a hand out for me to get up.

He's still sleepy, squinting an eye and yawning. "I'm fine. Nate, I have to get home, I need to get ready for school. Can you please take me?" I begged, unrolling the blanket off of me, grabbing his hand, and standing up as I try and grab my stuff.

"But, baby, why don't you just change here? You can borrow some of my clothes," he suggests, making me give him an irritated look as I look for my left shoe. "Nate, the last I want is for someone else to get the wrong idea of why I spent the night in your room and now going to school with your clothes on. No. Please... Take me home." I begged, and he groaned, pouting his lips. And I swear I'd be losing my shit if he didn't look so darn sexy in the morning, plus the pout... Damn it, this guy drives me crazy. "But, babe... Please? Stay. I'll take you to school. Yes?" he asks, making me chuckle.

"Nate, I gotta get home. Amanda was rude as hell yesterday, and maybe she was right. I shouldn't be spending so much time in your room, they might get the wrong idea." I say, tucking my hair behind my ear and looking for my phone.

"Ok. Did we do the dirty last night?" he asks, making me look confused at him. "What?"

"Because last I remember, we only fell asleep and that's it. Well, eat, do homework, and watch one episode of that cringe show you like, but that's it... Right!" he asks, making me feel a bit thrown off. Is he for real?

"Uh, yeah. Why would you ask that?" I ask annoyed, I would know if we had sex, because last I remember, we didn't. Why the hell is he asking that?

"Ok. So then why not change here? When have you ever cared what anyone says or thinks about you? Or is this only because of what Amanda said to you last night? Because, believe me, babe. I can give a shit about what she thinks of you and me, and I bet you everything, my parents don't care either." he says, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me. He pulls me by the waist, hugging me and placing his face on my stomach. Ok, so he has a point. Why do I care what she thinks of me? She should not get to me. I promised that I would learn to listen up and enjoy myself more after the conversation with Sandra, so what the hell am I doing?

"Baby, don't listen to her. Amanda is psycho. You and I both know that there is nothing wrong with you sleeping here. She's the one that has issues. She wants to act like a saint when she surely has skeletons in her own closet. She has no right to make you feel uncomfortable. Baby, it's not the first time you wear my clothes, please... just change here. I'll take you home once we are out of school, is that ok?" he asks, giving me his big puppy eyes, making me chuckle.

"Why are you so adamant to see me change here?" I ask, making him chuckle.

Because you're my girl. I love spending time with you. And I would love for you to stay and have breakfast with us. What do you say?" he suggests, hugging me and giving me his big signature smile. "Ughh, fine," I say, rolling my eyes. I mean I was going to say yes from the start, but it's cute to see him ask me. "Yes," he says, standing up and hugging me tightly.

"Now... I have the perfect get-up for the two of us," he says as he goes to his closet and brings out a bag of clothing. He takes out matching sweatpants in light gray and two gray hoodies. One for him, and one for me. I look at him in amusement as he brings it to me excitedly and then puts it right over my chest to see if it fits. "I thought we could match today. My mom says this color looks good on you. Is it... Is it too much?" he asks, still enthusiastic about it as I chuckle. "Babe, it's perfect. I love it."

"Are you sure? You don't have to wear it if you don't want. But mom bought it and thought matching clothes would be cool. I don't know. Is it a good idea? She never did things when Andrea and I dated. So it threw me off for her to suggest this. I mean, I know it's wrong, it might be too much for you, I just... Sorry." he says as he pauses, looking at me. I can't help but smile, cupping his face and kissing his lips. "I love it, Nate. I'd love to match our get-up anytime and day. Tell Sophie I said thank you. I love these." I say, making him smile.

Audrey had sent me a black T-shirt, so I went with that along with the sweatpants and hoodie his mom got me. So, a fresh shower later and new clothes, we made our way down, ate breakfast, and took off for school.

It was weird. We got so many looks from people. Some murmured how cute we looked together with matching clothes, while most of Andrea's posy went giving me dirty looks when Nate looked away. His friends kept making fun of him, telling him he was hooked on me. He replied saying yes, he was indeed crazy hooked on me.

The day went by pretty normal until we got to science class. The teacher wasn't here, and we had a substitute. Nothing bad right? Except the sub was none other than Andrea's older cousin, Dalia. She did not like having me in class. She was aware I was dating Nate now. And yes, she was going to try and give me a hard time. But to her surprise, science is one of my favorite subjects.

"I will write down a few questions, and I expect you to write along, answer in your paper, and then I will ask for a volunteer to come up and write the answers on the board. Is that understood?" She says, grabbing the marker and popping the cap.

The class was boring, we were reviewing human anatomy and well... I already knew all the basic outline the teacher had asked us to memorize for the test next week. I yawned as she wrote down a few questions on the board, and I guess I was a little too loud. It was my last class after all, and I couldn't wait to get out. They were all simple things, number of bones in our body parts. I mean, who doesn't know that? Easy, right?

"Miss Miller. Thank you for volunteering. You will be the first one to come up and answer the questions. I hope you studied because every wrong answer is a point I will mark wrong on your chart to turn in to your teacher." She says, making me roll my eyes.

"Am I clear, Miss Miller?" She asks, in an irritated voice. "Crystal. I hope your pen works. Wouldn't want to miss a point when I get them wrong." I say, causing a few students to snicker. "Do not sass me, Miss Miller. I am being honest here."

"As am I," I say, making her clench her jaw irritatingly. She jots them down, and I have already written my answers before she turns around. She points the marker toward me, and I jolt up, smiling at her as I take the marker from her. I see her roll her eyes, smacking her teeth as she sits down and grabs her pen and paper.

I begin to write my answers next to every question. Number of bones- 206, number of muscles- 639, number of vertebrates in the spine- 33, number of bones in the face- 14, number of bones in the skull- 22, and so on. She knows I have gotten every single answer right, and I can see her irritation seething through her teeth as she grinds her teeth.

Her face is red, and I swear, she's going to break that pen in two, but hey... I love my grades at their highest, and for me to keep them up, I need to do the work and study. According to my right answers on that board, I have done my job.

"Miss Miller, next time make sure you come fully alert and prepared for class. I do not tolerate kids sleeping during class. Your teacher might, but I do not."

"Oh, I'm not sleepy. I was just getting bored. This is all review for me after all." I say, making the kids laugh. She is fuming with anger, and I am ready to face off with her, but, the bell rings. Thank god.

I grab my backpack, books, and notes, getting out of that class before she has a chance to retaliate or give me detention like most teachers do when I'm being too much for them. Andrea and her family can kiss it. I'm in no mood to argue with any of them. So, soon as I see Bailey, I run happily toward her, hugging her with a smile as we make our way to the bleachers to wait for Nate and Liam.


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