Teasing Him

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We got to the lake in no time. The dock was pretty quiet without all the others here. The summer was different. The lake had been overcrowded with teens.

The nonstop music and rowdy teens filled my memories. It was pretty awesome, but, if I had to choose, I rather have today.

Nate and Jordan wasted no time. They take off their shirts and kick off their shoes, running toward the water lit by the full moon. They take their pants off, and dive right into the water, making Kenzie and I chuckle.

"Woooohhhh....Come on, let's go join them!" Kenzie says, grabbing my arm. "What? No... I- I don't have any clothes." I say, stopping in my tracks. "Oh, come on, Mia! Live a little. Who cares, none of us have extra clothes. Come on, it'll be fun." she says, looking at me with a smile.

She is probably right. I may have a sassy mouth, and I'm very blunt to talk back, but somehow... I felt a bit timid when it came to opening up to this kind of thing. "Come on in girls. The water is still warm." Jordan says, making Kenzie look over, chuckling.

"Ok. I'll do it," I say, making her smile brighter. "At a girl. Come on, I'll race you to it," she says taking off as she throws her shirt over her shoulder. "Wait!" I say chuckling and running after her.

I take off my shoes and contemplate for a second as Nate looks at me with a smile as he swims around. "Ok. Here I go!" I whisper to myself. I take my shirt off, toss it next to my shoes, and then take off my jeans. I walk slowly toward them, but Jordan catches me off guard, coming from behind me and grabbing me bridal style.

He throws me into the water, making me squeal.

He's laughing his head off, making Kenzie come behind him as she throws herself on his back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and making both fall to the side, making a big splash.

Nate slowly swims toward me, making me bite my bottom lip. He looks so good, even under the moonlight. His five o'clock shadow makes him look hotter. "Hey, beautiful," he says in a husky tone.

"Hey, handsome!" I replied, wrapping my arms and legs around him. I can't help but kiss him, letting my tongue mold with his beautifully. It was the least I could do. I was so grateful to them for getting me out of there.

"Feeling better?" he asks, making me place my forehead against his, as he comes to a place in the water where he can safely stand and hold me. "Yes," I say, smiling.

"I'm sorry for tonight. I swear I didn't know Andrea was coming. If I did, I would have warned you. I don't even think my parents knew she was coming." he says, making me smile.

"Nate, it's fine. I don't hold anything against you or your parents. It's not your fault." I say, making him sigh as his hands tighten around me.

"Yeah, it was all Amanda's fault. I bet she invited her on purpose. I'm sorry, but, damn Jordan, what is with your mom?" Kenzie asks, making Jordan look at us with guilt in his eyes.

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